Monday, January 1, 2018

You Are An Expression Of God!

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Ge 1:1-3 AV)

There is something about these first three verses of God’s word that reveals Him in a way that no other passage does.  I cannot put my finger on it but as the Spirit instructs, He will reveal that which the heart needs to understand.

The LORD has not created anything.  In these three verses, there is nothing in which to interact.  It is just the three persons of the God head.  No cosmos, no animals, no humans.  God and God alone.  Just Him!  There is a divine sufficiency here.  There is no overriding need for the LORD to create.  He does not create animals because He is hungry.  He does not create plants because He needs beauty.  He does not create mankind because He needs fellowship.  He is the all sufficient God.  He creates because it is His nature to do so.  He does, not because He needs to, but rather, because He wants to!  Knowing all things that will happen and the need of His Son to die on a cross for the sins of the ones He is about to create, He still wishes to create.

Perhaps what struck me was feelings I used to have in art class.  When the instructor puts a medium before you and asks you to create and expression of your thoughts, feelings, purpose, and design, it becomes a very personal thing.  I remember every piece I ever created.  The drawing of my left hand, the horse and rider wire sculpture, the countless papier-mâché projects, and the pastel of a mountain scene.  I remember them all because it was very personal.  When the soul reads of a God who is creating, he is reading of a God who is expressing Himself in a very personal way.  The God who needs nothing or no one is creating in His image an expression of Himself.  For this we need to treasure life!  Our existence is an expression of a God who desires to be known!  A God who desires to create something of value.  Something of worth.  Something worthy of redemption!  Something that will be expression of His grace!

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