Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Grace or Regret

And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” (Ge 6:6-7 AV)

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Ge 6:8 AV)

I think the one of the saddest verses in all the Bible is verse six and seven.  For the LORD to be so fed up with mankind that His heart changes towards those whom He has created, wishing He would never have done this, is beyond tragic.  One wonders how much we tax the LORD in our own lives.  One wonders if there is any regret the LORD feels when we dramatically disappoint the LORD.  One hopes the LORD doesn’t look upon our continued failures and comes the conclusion He wishes He had never allowed us to come into being.  I am sure that I have given Him sufficient cause to feel that way from time to time.

Then comes verse eight.  All is not lost.  There is one man and his family that strives to serve the LORD and live in righteousness.  The grace of God does not expect perfect.  It cannot.  Otherwise, it would not be grace.  What grace does do is reward those who have a heart, regardless of success or failure.  Remember, this same Noah would have way too much to drink and live immodestly in the privacy of his own home, causing the LORD to judge his descendants.  Noah failed when he became a drunk. The LORD knew he was going to do this.  Yet, the LORD still exercised grace towards a man who at least tried.

It would break my heart if I knew for sure the LORD repented that He even created me.  What a horrible thought.  Imagine if a child came to the understanding his parents were so disappointed, they wish they never gave birth to him at all.  Imagine that!  They are not angry.  They are not upset.  They are simply completely disappointed!  This is the potential of us all.  Yet, what Noah was is also a potential for the child of God.  Striving towards righteousness with a heart towards humility and repentance goes a long way in the experience of God’s grace!  We can go either way.  Which way will we go?

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