Saturday, January 13, 2018

A God who Pays Respect

And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.” (Ex 2:25 AV)

It is a blessing to know that no matter what it might seem like, God does not forget about us!  The word ‘respect’ here means a little different that we tend to us it.  We tend to use it as showing honor towards one that is higher in authority or status.  But the word can also mean to treat something with kid gloves.  It can mean to show extra care towards something that is weaker and needs to be helped along the way.

My later hunting years are now fraught with adventures.  When I was younger, I could go into the woods and not fear whatever mishap might befall me.  I could shoot a deer three miles from camp and make it back, dragging the kill behind me.  Now, it is foolish to go hunting alone and get too adventurous without another alongside.  Such was the case this year.  While tracking a wounded deer into a shallow draw, not finding it, I had to climb out.  Not necessarily a big deal.  However, instead of zig-zagging my way of a steep incline, I went directly uphill.  I heard a pop and felt like I had been shot in the back of the leg.  It turned out I had torn my calf muscle.  Now I was in a fix.  Still severely downhill, I was minus one leg.  It took fifteen minutes to go twenty feet.  The truck was a mile away.  But my partner was there with a 4-wheeler and helped me get out.  For the next six weeks, I respected that injured leg.  I only out as much weight on it as it could handle and still heal.  This is the understanding of respect here.

God will not allow us to go through more than we can handle.  He will respect our frail frame and intervene in times of distress.  He will not forget our situation.  He will always bear in mind our trials of life and that we need Him to make it through.  This is the respect a might God pays to a helpless creature like me!

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