Saturday, December 30, 2017

Look Up

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Lu 21:28 AV)

It is too easy to keep our heads down and become preoccupied with the evil that is covering this world!  It is too easy to become overwhelmed or worse, depressed because we see a dark cloud gathering on the horizon!  The LORD is coming back.  The closer He is to His return, the more the forces of evil will gain in their strength.  We see this all around us.  Substance abuse is killing our citizens.  The sodomites are close to taking control of our nation’s institutions and churches.  Schools are no longer safe as the godless indoctrinate our young people against the LORD and His laws.  Open debauchery is no longer the exception.  It has become the rule.  The worst of it all is there is no interest in the things of God nor a concern over eternal destiny.  There is every reason for the saints of God to hang their heads!  But we don’t have to!

Jesus encourage us the closer He is to His coming, the more we need to look up!  Not down!  All these things are happening because the LORD wishes to allow mankind every opportunity to reject Him.  The consequence of that rejection is resolute judgment.  It has to happen.  However, as the saints of God, we can see the coming storm and know that our redemption draws nigh.

For me, it is a two-edged sword.  Evil is not something I wish to see!  Years ago, while serving as an interim Pastor, there was a former deacon who was in complete rebellion.  He hated me and the church so much that he brought his work to church, briefcase and all, and did office work while the preaching was going on.  It gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach!  This is how I feel when I meditate on the condition of the world and the body of Christ.  It is pure evil.  Time for us to look up!  Our redemption draweth nigh!

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