Monday, January 29, 2018

Shallow Tent Stakes

That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.” (Le 23:43 AV)

The feast of tabernacles was one big camping trip for the nation of Israel.  No one was allowed to be excluded.  They assembled at and around the city of Jerusalem for eight days.  They were to bring materials to build temporary structures.  Huts or booths in which they sought shelter until the feast was over.  It was a reminder of the foundation of their inception.  A reminder the LORD brought them out of Egypt, not that they may find comfort and permanence is this world, but as part of their journey to eternity.  This is the point of this feast.  A reminder they were pilgrims and strangers in a strange land.  A reminder to keep their tent post shallow.  A reminder that life often changes and not to get too comfortable in the pleasures and blessings of this life.

We all have that urge to find permanence.  We seek definition and security.  We want to know where we belong and that things will always be as they are.  Change comes hard.  There is a sense of peace in knowing the surroundings in which one grew up have changed very little.  I guess that is why I enjoy the woods so much.  Cities change.  Building rise and fall.  Streets are added.   Businesses go up.  Renovations and infrastructure is updated.  But when goes into the woods of which he has hunted for years, the trees may have gotten a little bigger.  There may be a few more saplings here and there.  But the terrain rarely changes.  Unless there is a super severe weather event, the hills and valleys are still there.  The creek which one’s grandfather fished in still runs.  It is a comfort to know that no matter how much the outside world changes, my tree stand will remain for a life time and deer will pass by it year after year.

Yet, as we walk with God we cannot get too comfortable.  Things will change.  Things will not always remain the same.  There is growth to experience.  There are failures to overcome.  Our families grow up and move away.  Our grandchildren grow up and cease to give us hugs.  Our health deteriorates.  Things cannot and will not remain the same.  The deep the tent stakes, the harder change becomes.  Compared to eternity, our journey here is but a speck.  It would be wise to always have the tent ready to be moved and adjust to life’s changes.  It’s just one more step.

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