Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Salvation is Ready for a Journey!

And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’S passover.” (Ex 12:11 AV)

The Passover meal is perhaps the clearest of types of salvation revealed in the old testament.  The statement above is the condition in which the Jewish saint was to prepare when he partook of the pascal lamb.  He and his family were to eat of the sacrifice ready to move from their bondage at a moment’s notice.  What a picture of the spirit in which the penitent should accept Christ.

Getting stuck in bad weather is a right of passage for us Yankees!  We are not unfamiliar with having to be pushed out of snow banks or pulled out of mud.  With us, it is a regular thing.  One technique that is emphasized is once you are starting out of that which has trapped you and heading in the direction in which you want to go, you never let up on the gas!  Many a time we have tried to push out a novice and they over react, stepping on the break and getting stuck even worse.  We cry out, “Gun it!”  Get the car moving.  Never let it stop!

Such is the experience of salvation.  When the LORD saves us, we should be prepared to journey in the direction in which He wants us to go.  Many believers are saved, yet so as by fire.  They have repented of their general sinful condition, and perhaps a few specific ones, yet when Christ saves them, they retain much of that which has them stuck in bondage.  There is no full repentance.  Their feet are not shod with shoes ready for travel.  They do not have the support and strength of a staff because there is no journey ahead.  There is no weapon girded on their loins because they have no intention of going to far with the LORD!  What a shame!  When Jesus saves us, we should have the mindset of immediate and purposeful movement.  Away from sin unto fellowship with the LORD.

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