Thursday, January 4, 2018

Greater than the Cost

After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” (Ge 15:1 AV)

At first glance, the fact the LORD is a reward doesn’t seem so right.  The Hebrew word for ‘…reward…’ here means a wage.  Something that is earned.  Not a prize to be bestowed out of mere luck.  So, the question arises; what was it that Abram did that caused God to give Himself to Abram and just compensation?  The answer is in the previous chapter. 

Lot was taken captive by five kings of the near east.  Abram joined with other five kings that he might assist in conquering the enemy and rescuing Lot.  The LORD blessed the effort for Abram’s sake.  Particularly for the covenant and what it would mean to the other five kings to see the LORD bless Abram.  When the king of Sodom offered a portion of the spoils of war, Abram turned him down.  His concern is the unbelievers would credit themselves for making Abram rich and not the LORD.  So, Abram turned down certain wealth for the sake of the LORD’s testimony and as a result, God because very real and close to him!

One thing is for certain, the exceeding great reward is far greater than the cost Abram paid!  If only God’s people could realize the same.  The LORD doesn’t ask us to give up things of this life without receiving hundred-fold in return.  He doesn’t ask a man to surrender to full-time Christian service without giving him blessings that far exceed the cost.  The LORD doesn’t ask a saint to leave the acquaintances of the old life without giving him new relationships in return.   The LORD doesn’t ask His people to expend a little time and resources to build His church without giving something far greater in return.  He doesn’t have to.  But He deeply desires to bless those who love Him!

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