Friday, December 15, 2023

What Hurts is Life

“The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.” (Pr 15:31 AV)

That is a curious phrase, isn’t it?  The reproof of life.  When we think of reproof, life does not come to mind.  When we think of reproof, pain comes to mind.  Reproof is not comfortable.  The word means, "rebuke, correction, punishment, chastisement; impeachment; chiding”.  None of those words sounds very comfortable.  Lively is not a word that I would associate with reproof.  In fact, when I think of reproof, sucking the life or joy out of the subject comes to mind.  Solomon suggests reproof, done correctly and received humbly, is life.  Not the opposite.  Solomon also suggests correct and biblical reproof is life regardless of the ability of the one offering it to do so tactfully or appropriately.  If the reproof is truth, it may sting a little bit more if done with malice or ill intent, but it is still correct reproof.  The ear that hears it and accepts it will abide with those who have a pattern of life that pleases God.

Going to the doctor is no fun.  If you are looking for words of affirmation, the doctor is not the one you want to go to.  I have my annual physical coming up.  My doctor is very thorough.  He explains every number on my labs.  There are two pages of results.  This isn’t a simple blood sugar test or cholesterol screening.  Every test that can be run from a blood draw is run.  My entire neuroendocrine system is checked.  Kidneys, liver, pancreas, bladder, and digestive system are examined.  Thyroid, pituitary, and brain function are tested.  They screen for several different cancers.  They check my cognitive function.  Then I sit and listen to all that is wrong with me.  Other than my cholesterol numbers, which might be hereditary, I am reproved for lifestyle choices.  I have to pay someone to tell me that I need to live better.  I pay someone good money to tell me I am failing.  Then I go home and read the after-visit summary and rip off that scab all over again.  It is not comfortable listening to healthcare providers tell it like it is. 

The humble will listen to what the wise have to say.  They understand correction is meant as the means for a better life.  Sin destroys.  Sin saps the life out of the soul and body.  Sin is the opposite of life.  Sin is death. Therefore, reproof of sin is life.  Hence, the phrase above.  Willingly listening to, and considering, the reproof of life requires humility and grace.  It is never easy.  Some words are easier than others.  Particularly if we have a desire to excel beyond our limitations.  Learning a skill and excelling at it often gives us a receptive attitude towards reproof.  Sort of like those kids on Master Chef Junior.  Those kids take a lot of abuse.  But they do so because they want to get better.  If we are to walk among the wise, there has to be a desire for self-improvement and a desire to glorify God in all we do.  Without that desire, reproof of life will fall on prideful and rejecting ears.

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