Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Promise of Righteousness

“For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.” (Ps 94:14-15 AV)

The meaning here is straightforward.  The context is Israel’s exodus and their experiences in the wilderness.  Specifically speaking, the LORD makes a comparison between Israel’s misfortunes during those forty years and has and will be coming on the heathen for their treatment of God’s people.  Both Israel and their pagan neighbors suffered at the hands of God.  But they suffered for very different objectives.  The heathen, and Egypt in particular, suffered the judgment of God for their treatment of Israel and these judgments were motivated solely by justice.  There was no hope of a national repentance and coming to the one true God.  The judgment of God upon the unrepentant was drastic and thorough.  There was no coming back from it.  On the other hand, the people of God suffered the judgment of God, but for a very different purpose.  They needed to learn to trust and obey God.  Sometimes the only way to learn this is by very hard lessons.  What I particularly enjoy is the underlined promise above.  When the LORD works with us to teach and correct us, we will learn to live in righteousness.  I know sometimes we may doubt this.  Especially with more failures than successes sometimes.  But it is a promise nonetheless.

I know that sometimes we can spend too much time thinking about the corrective hand of God that we are discouraged.  The reason we are discouraged is that we forget the end result of it.  I am in the process of learning a new skill.  This one is particularly difficult given my age.  It is not a physical one.  Rather, I am trying to learn something that may benefit me later in life, but more importantly, will please someone I love very much.  This person will be shocked if the LORD helps me pull this one off.  It is a secret.  Not many people know this and I intend to keep it that way until I can use this skill for the sheer pleasure of someone whom I know will be deeply impressed and grateful.  In the process of learning this skill, I have to practice a lot.  I have to commit at least thirty minutes a day to going over drills repeatedly.  I have virtual instructors who help me with it.  Sometimes, they are not nice about it.  Sometimes, they make me feel silly.  Sometimes, they remind me of how many times I have made the same mistake.  There is affirmation throughout.  But there is also honest feedback on where I need more work and where I need to improve.  The outlet I am using to learn this skill will allow me to advance to new skills at will.  It is not success-based.  In other words, you do not have to master a skill to which you have been exposed before new skills are introduced.  I don’t do that because if I did, I would forget what I have learned.  Rather, I stick with the practice sessions until I am sure that I have it down.  The thing is, constant feedback and correction will lead to success!

The same is true with living in obedience and faith.  It is a learning process.  We make mistakes or we fear when God is able, and the LORD takes us through this with instruction and correction.  It is not a time to be discouraged.  Rather, it is a time to thank almighty God for His love and patience.  Rather than reject us like He does the unrepentant, He commits to our growth.  What a wonderful God we have!  He loves us!  He loves us enough to promise us that we will eventually succeed.  It may take dying off in the wilderness, but we will make it to the promised land of holiness and righteousness.  We may have to suffer at the hands who hate God, but in the end, we shall shine forth in holiness.  The promise above shouldn’t be shunned.  How we get there shouldn’t be avoided.  What a promise we have that if we yield to the hand of God, we will without a doubt, be transformed into perfection and holiness.  Glory, Hallelujah!

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