Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Good In The Bad

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” (Ps 119:71 AV)

Affliction can come in several forms.  Affliction does not always mean chastisement.  Affliction can be a trial of faith.  Affliction can also simply be our normal human experience.  Affliction is any set of circumstances that change ease into discomfort.  The Psalmist has enough maturity and insight to realize affliction, in all its forms, does the soul good.  In particular, the person is afflicted in body, mind, or spirit so that he can learn to live in obedience to the word of God.  We know this, but we often miss the connection.  We notice that after an affliction, we tend to walk with God a bit easier.  That is until times of prosperity arise.  Then the temptation is right around the corner.  We attribute the revival to our enhanced prayer life amid the affliction.  What we often miss is the affliction itself has a way of cleansing disobedience, anxiety, or wrong thinking from our person.

As I write this, I am on day six of a flu bug.  It hit me pretty hard.  The fever is relentless.  I am waiting for the moment it breaks.  But this bug is a bit different.  The fever is not leaving en masse.  It is slowly improving.  Something different.  I’m pretty sure it isn’t COVID.  I don’t have the upper respiratory issues I had the last time I went through that.  This is more a fever, aches, congestion, and fatigue sort of thing.  I love all the sleep!  It is awesome.  One thing I noticed.  Sin doesn’t seem nearly as close to me as it was when I was well.  And for that, I am so grateful.  Impulses of the flesh, mind, and will are not nearly as strong.  Praise the LORD!  I have lost twelve pounds in a week.  I think it is time to write a weight loss book!  With Lisa’s cancer, I have found the LORD changing me personally into a better form of me.  He has enabled me to become far more patient and gracious.  I am more kind than I have ever been before.  Priorities have changed.  What I thought mattered the most, was all of a sudden, not all that important anymore.  What the Spirit has shown me is the afflictions of life have a way of whittling away all the stuff that keeps us from being what God wants us to be.

I know we don’t want to be afflicted.  It is contrary to our nature.  We wish life could be trouble-free.  But that is pie-in-the-sky thinking.  Life doesn’t work that way.  We live in an imperfect world partly because mankind has made it that way.  We live in failing bodies.  We exist with trouble all around us.  The way to navigate these times is to dwell on the positives of affliction.  Affliction has a way of drawing us closer to the LORD in ways that peace cannot.  Affliction has a way of silencing the old man enough that the new man can walk closer to God in obedience and faith.  I may not like the fever, multiple hot showers during the day, shortness of breath, aches and pains, or taking medicine every six hours.  But what I do absolutely love is the closeness and cleanliness I feel towards the God who loves me and saved me!  So, praise be to God for the affliction He allows or sends.  It is for my good.  And for yours as well.

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