Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Our Responsibility

“Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.” (Ps 96:10 AV)

This a hard message to preach considering the heathen have the misconception they are running things.  Regardless, it is still true.  The heathen believe they have kicked out God or that God is a deist who is not concerned with the affairs of human beings.  This is not so.  As the book of Revelation shows us, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God.  When Jesus comes back, there will be a reckoning.  So, what is our job?  We are to speak the truth even they will not hear and they will mock us to scorn.  Get ready for it.  But it doesn’t matter.  They must know what is coming.  They have to know they are in peril.  This is our obligation.  This is our duty.

God needs no verification.  This is what Nebuchadnezzar figured out.  This powerful regal figured out the God of heaven rules among the children of men.  If they have the misconception they rule, it is God who allowed for this strong delusion.  Daniel is our example.  He preached the truth and took a great risk in doing so.  He did not hold bitterness in his heart for the persecution he suffered. Daniel told it like it was and let the chips fall where they may.  This was especially true when he interpreted the writing on the wall.  The writing on the wall foretold the doom of the kingdom that we to befall Babylon that night.  It wasn’t a pleasant message.  The gift that followed meant nothing.  The end of all things was coming and there was no time to waste.  Repentance was demanded yet ignored.

Our conversations are softened to the point we are trying too hard to not offend those who need the truth.  There is no easy way to tell someone they are lost and in need of salvation.  Especially if they are confident in their own religion or righteousness.  The message must go out.  How horrible would we be if we sat on the only means of deliverance and never said a word to those who will suffer torment in hell forever?  The closer we get to the coming of Christ, the more difficult this will become.  But it must be done.

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