Friday, December 22, 2023

Return For The Right Reason

The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.” (Ps 110:1-2 AV)

The Father speaks to the Son here.  The Son is told to sit on the right hand of the Father until the Father puts His enemies in subjection to the Son.  When He does, then strength will come out of Jerusalem and the Son will rule over His enemies.  There is a companion passage to this in Revelation.  “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” (Re 11:15 AV)  This revelation is for the consolation of those who are looking for the appearance of our LORD and Savior, for sure.  But more importantly, this passage is a statement for the glory of Jesus Christ!  We will look for the coming of Christ.  We will pray for it.  But ultimately, Jesus is coming again to reclaim what is rightfully His.  He is coming for His own glory first and foremost.

It is common for us to forget the glory of God is God’s priority.  Yes, He loves mankind enough to send His Son to suffer and die for us all.  What grace!  But what He does He does for His glory, first.  Those who do not understand God may think this to be arrogant.  But quite the contrary.  God is the Creator of all things.  He is the omnipotent and only wise God.  Besides Him, there is none else.  God is the all-knowing and ever-present sovereign God who has all things in the center of His will.  God is not simply the greatest of all beings.  He most certainly is that.  God is also infinite in His existence.  He has no beginning or end.  He is infinitely greater than the combination of all that exists.  He has no bounds.  He is the greatest without limits.  For God not to seek His own glory would be less than who and what He is.  To not exercise His glory above all He has created means He ceases to be God.  When God, in the person of Jesus Christ, returns to earth, it will be for the comfort of His people, yes.  But more importantly, He will return because He alone deserves all glory due to anything or anyone.

Every night, I pass off into sleep while praying for the return of Christ.  Every night without exception, the last thing I ask for is the return of Jesus Christ to this planet so that He might stop all the wickedness that is so pervasive.  Rather than seek His return for how it might benefit all mankind, maybe I should seek His return because He alone should be worshipped and glorified before all men.  Do I want Jesus to return?  Absolutely!  And, for many right reasons.  Wickedness is making victims of our most helpless of all people.  Babies are killed in the womb for nothing more than convenience’s sake.  Children are being mutilated and brainwashed by groomers who project their own perverted hearts onto the most helpless as a way to legitimize their rebellion.  As horrible as those things are, the most important motive for the LORD’s return is His glorification.  Not our comfort.  Perhaps when God’s people begin to pray in that manner, then the return of Christ will be closer than when we had first believed!

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