Saturday, December 2, 2023

From Father To Child

For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” (Pr 2:6 AV)

Implied in this statement is God’s desire to share wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  God does not hide these from men.  In fact, the word of God tells us these come from heaven liberally and without prejudice.  Any and all who desire wisdom, knowledge, and understanding may have it.  All one needs to do is ask and accept.  What I wish to consider this morning is the devotion behind the offer.  Like a father who lives for the opportunity to share wisdom, God loves to share with all His creatures the wisdom and knowledge they need to have the life He intended.  What I see from the verse above is a loving Father who deeply desires to share what He knows with those whom He loves.

As a father, I live for the moments my sons call for advice.  Now that I am a pastor with decades of experience, I have young preachers calling me for advice.  I also am living the dream of a pastor by watching and guiding young men called to preach as they pursue ministry within our church.  One might think I am lazy because the younger guys are doing the lion’s share of hands-on work.  But this is not true.  When I was younger, I built a youth group, organized a missions trip to a foreign country, led a choir, taught in a Christian school, was the ET guy, and went soul-winning.  I was also the one who made hospital calls and went to the nursing homes.  If there was work to be done in the building, or for an activity, I was the one who did all that.  Now, I have the blessing of watching over others as they do these things, guiding them with a subtle hand and giving them the liberty to learn as they serve.  It gives me more pleasure to mentor than it ever did to do the work myself.  Taking my sons hunting or fishing, teaching them the skills they needed, and then watching as they harvested their first deer or caught a wall-hanger was far more pleasurable than filling my tags or stuffing a fish.  Sharing wisdom is sharing an intimate part of oneself.  It is investing yourself in the person of another and duplicating yourself in their lives and ministry.  It is the ultimate expression of love a father can give a child.

God is infinitely more loving than we would ever be.  He deeply desires to share wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as a means to duplicate Himself in the lives of those whom He created.  He has provided His word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to accomplish just that.  He speaks.  He waits.  Unlike our fathers who waited to be asked, the LORD does not.  He speaks through His creation.  He speaks through His messengers.  He speaks through family and friends.  He is always sharing the knowledge His creation needs whether they want it or not.  Why?  Because He loves us.  That is why.  He is shouting as loud as a heart of faith will allow.  He is as obvious as our faith will see.  He will not intrude into a stubborn or rebellious heart that wants nothing to do with Him.  He speaks softly.  He speaks subtly.  But He speaks.  To turn a deaf ear to the voice of God is to rob ourselves of the greatest life and eternity we could ever have.  I, for one, and truly grateful for a loving God who takes the time and interest to speak to me.

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