Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Power in a Name

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” (Pr 18:10 AV)

Have you ever wondered how a name could give you strength and safety?  After all, what is a name?  Is it not a simple arrangement of letters to form a phonetical sound by which we identify people, places, or things?  Names are just words, aren’t they?  What can a name do, anyway?  A name cannot come to our defense.  A name has no arms or legs.  A name has no inherent power that succumbs an enemy.  A name is just a word.  Or is it?  Is a name merely an inanimate identifier that has no other ability than to point out what makes one thing different than another?  What possible strength can the saint derive from letters that form a word?  It must be a name is more than mere letters that form a word.  Perhaps there is something a word can accomplish.  Maybe there is strength in the name of God.  After all, a name differentiates one thing from another.  In doing so, a name has meaning beyond the letters that form it.  A name, by virtue of it being different from all others, describes and labels those differences. An apple is not an orange.  An apple is an apple not because it is called an apple.  It is an apple because it is not a banana.  An apple is round, sweet, grows on a tree, and is either red or green.  An orange is an orange because of its color.  Therefore, there must be something about the name of God, apart from His actions, that gives the saint strength.

The names of God are many.  In our text, the name to which Solomon refers is the name Jehovah.  The name means, “the self-existing one”.  This name suggests God is eternal, self-sufficient, and the possessor of all strength.  This name is the primary name used for God in the majority of biblical texts.  It is the name used when the word LORD is written using all capital letters.  The name of the LORD reveals His true nature.  That being, God is not a finite being susceptible to the forces of natural and unnatural forces.  He is the greatest of all beings, all-knowing, and controls all things.  The name, LORD means something to those who call upon Him.  The name, LORD brings with it a whole host of truths that apply to the saint at every moment.  This is not a nickname to be thrown around for no apparent reason or with little meaning.  The name LORD describes the LORD in a way no other name could.  But the question remains.  Practically speaking, how can a name give strength?  We can understand how the person of God can. But what of His name only?

Words affect us. We say the words ‘joy’ or ‘hope’ long enough, we will begin to feel that way.  We talk of depression and sadness, this too will become our demeanor.  Words have a way of changing us.  They have a way of guiding us.  And, they have a way of encouraging us.  Words, or names, have a way of speaking to us that motivates us.  They will either change our course or push us forward in the direction we are going.  When it comes to a name, we can be spurred on to action we would otherwise not take.  Such is the case of the name of the LORD.  When we feel weak or overwhelmed, remembering the name of the LORD can keep us from giving up.  When we are tasked with duties beyond our abilities, rehearsing the name of the LORD will bring to memory we serve a great God who enables where He leads.  The name of the LORD is a strong tower.  His name alone may not heal.  But what His name represents will.  Remembering the name of the LORD is what strengthens the spirit.  It gives life to the soul.  Therefore, when we are at the end of our ropes, just rehearse the name Jehovah.  His name will bridge the chasm between our fear and His ability.

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