Thursday, June 29, 2023

No Matter What

For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel.” (Jer 51:5 AV)

This doesn’t seem fair, does it?  That is, it doesn’t seem fair to the LORD.  We are no different than Israel.  We may have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit wherein most of them did not, but when it comes to sin, we truly are no different.  They had the law and protection from unbelievers.  Their outward environment we separated and holy.   Yet they were prone to sin.  We have a different inward environment.  We have the new man.  We have the Holy Spirit.  The outward is surrounded by wickedness at every turn.  We still fall into sin just like the Israelites did.  And habitually so, too.  Yet, God is faithful.  He will not forsake that which He has paid a dear price to attain.  The precious blood of Christ has bought us from sin and death.  Because the price was so steep, and the love of God so deep, He will not forsake the works of His hands and the apple of His eye.  We do not deserve such grace.  Not one iota.  Even though we are filled with sin, God does not forsake us.  What love and mercy!

The timing of this statement is important.  Jeremiah preaches this word at the same time Babylon is taking Judah.  The city is invaded and the king carted off.  A few years later, the remainder of those left in Judah are taken and the city and temple burned to the ground.  Having suffered so much and knowing the affliction was caused by disobedience, the temptation might be to think God has once and for all had it with the nation.  They could look at their city in utter ruin and think that God was done with Judah and Israel.  They could wallow in their misery while captive in Babylon, thinking God would never visit them again.  That would be the temptation.  But the LORD did not renege on his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and David.  There would be a nation and the Messiah will rule over it.  God made unconditional promises and He intends to keep those covenants even if Israel fails to be the people God deeply desires of them.  God loves Israel with an everlasting love.  His mercy fails not.  One day, Jesus will return and set up a kingdom with Israel as they reign with Him for one thousand years.  No matter how much sin is in the nation, God will not turn His back on them.

The same can be said of the New Testament saint.  We fail the LORD more times than we can humanly comprehend.  Even if we do strive to live in righteousness and holiness, we still fail.  Often, we fail in the same areas time and again.  God will not turn His back on you.  He will not write you off.  He will not forsake you any more than a parent forsakes an erring child.  It goes contrary to the natural love a parent has for his or her child.  I have seen it many times.  A seriously erring child estranges his parents.  But Mom and Dad keep the line of communication open.  They want that child to return.  Like the prodigal, the gate is left open on the outside chance he returns.  If we feel abandoned, it is not because God did so.  We have left Him.  He has not left us.  He is where He always was.  There He is, with open arms, waiting for you and me to come to the end of ourselves and return.  He has never forsaken us.  And He never will.  He waits for Thee!  Won’t you return?

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