Monday, June 19, 2023

Of Turkeys and Eagles

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee.” (Jer 12:5-6 AV)

That first question caught my eye this morning.  If the people of God are entertained and run with others if simple means and abilities, how can they possibly withstand a greater enemy when he arrives?  If they have run with those who never concerned themselves with the possibility of war, how can they withstand a force when it comes and overwhelms them?  That is the question posed to Judah.  They had kept company with, and emulated, their neighbors right down to the gods they worshipped.  They had downgraded.  At one time, Israel was the nation-state that ruled the near east.  By David and Solomon, Israel was the force to be reckoned with.  They ruled all the way from Egypt to Assyria.  And everything in between.  Then, beginning with the ten northern tribes, they began to incorporate the religion and lifestyle of those whom they conquered.  Slowly, over time, they went from horses to being on foot.  They sold away the royal armament.  They accepted any and all means of peace even if it meant a surrender of some of their sovereignty.  In short, Judah and Israel took steps backward because they desired the company of their neighbors and when Assyria and Babylon came, they were woefully unprepared to resist these invading forces. 

Years ago, I knew of a man who decided to take an easier path than God intended for him.  During high school, he had expressed a calling to go to seminary and study for the ministry.  He was a leader among leaders.  He commanded respect from his teachers and fellow students.  So, when he surrendered to the ministry, no one was surprised.  Everyone saw it coming.  The fall after graduation saw him enroll in a Christian university and begin his undergraduate work towards a degree in Christian theology and service.  The university he chose, however, had many different disciplines.  It didn’t matter what one felt called to do, there was a program for whatever career path the student desired.  This university was not limited to theological and ministerial studies alone.  The rigors of studying for God’s service took its toll.  After three years of study, this student felt the LORD no longer wished him in the ministry and decided to back off a year.  He went from being a Junior to a Sophomore with an emphasis on a much easier discipline.  After graduation, he found a job at a Radio Shack as a salesman and then a manager.  He got married and began to have a family.  The problem was, his new life’s direction left open more attacks from Satan than he would have had if he has stuck with the ministry.  Never home to tend to his children, he lost them to the world.  Limited by advancement and the fact Radio Shack went bankrupt and closed, he lost his job and home.  He suffered because he sought an easier path which ended up being harder than if he abode faithful.

We cannot expect to win the battles that will eventually come if we settle for what is easy or preferred.   We cannot run with those on foot if we are eventually going to have to deal with those on horses.  We cannot seek peace as our ultimate goal because there will always be those who will not settle for peace.  No one likes trials.  No one looks for trouble.  Striving to avoid it at all costs, however, only makes it worse.  Running with turkeys prevents us from soaring with eagles.  Or, so the saying goes.  Being naïve regarding what life will bring will only make it worse.  Such is the case with Lisa’s cancer.  I have learned that being naïve regarding the possibilities of the future only makes the possibilities of the future a whole lot harder to deal with if they come.  Better to run with God and prepare for life than desire peace and contentment above all else.  If we do not, when the enemy does indeed come, we will not be able to withstand his attacks.

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