Friday, June 9, 2023

By His Word We Live

O Lord, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spirit: so wilt thou recover me, and make me to live.” (Isa 38:16 AV)

This is part of a prayer prayed by Hezekiah, king of Judah upon learning he had been diagnosed with a terminal disease.  Hezekiah did not have a son, and therefore, if he passed, the throne would pass to the next closest descendant of David.  Hezekiah knew this and prayed for a miracle.  The things of which Hezekiah referenced are the promises of the Word of God.  This would include the promise that a descendent of David would reign.  If Hezekiah does not have a son, this would be the first time in the history of Jewish kings wherein a son does not take the throne in the absence of his father.  Hezekiah’s hope is in the word of God and it is by the word of God with God’s goodness by which men live.  It is the word of God and God’s abiding presence that gives life to the spirit.  It is by the word of God we live.

My doctor has recently added to an after-visit summary that I am an undisciplined and out-of-control eater.  I have gained sixteen pounds in five years.  I think his assessment is a bit exaggerated.  Nonetheless, his words have motivated me to lose weight.  So far, so good.  I have lost ten pounds and two inches off my waist in the last three weeks.  I cut out all extra sugar and bad carbs.  I eat more protein and good carbs.  I no longer snack much during the day.  Breakfast and supper are the only two meals I have and if I am hungry during the day, I have a handful of peanuts or other good nut combinations.   I drink my coffee black.  Water is the only other beverage I consume.  I also take vitamin B6 which helps control hunger.  I’ll show that doctor!  What does this have to do with the word of God being the life of our spirit?  I have learned the sweet and unhealthy things of life were not giving me all that much pleasure.  As we are on vacation for the last few weeks at a cabin with the family, unhealthy snacks abound.  But I look at all of it and have no interest.  Why?  Because they are not what gives me pleasure.  Last night, I had steak and grilled asparagus.   The asparagus was out of this world.  Better for me than mashed potatoes.  What was good for me actually tasted better than that which was not.

Hezekiah knew his life would eventually come to an end.  Yes, the LORD would grant him fifteen more years so he could have and raise a son.  Eventually, however, his life would come to an end.  A longer life may have satisfied him for the moment, but it was a regular diet of the word of God that revived his spirit.  It was the word of God that gave life to his soul.  Getting what he wanted didn’t turn out so well.  His son was the reason Babylon came and took Judah away.  Had Hezekiah died as originally planned by God, who knows who would have taken the throne?  Who knows how things would have turned out?  Getting what we want is not necessarily as fulfilling as fellowship with God through His word.  Hezekiah uttered these words not realizing just how profound they were.  By these things (the truths found in scripture) men live.  But these things the soul and spirit feel alive.

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