Thursday, June 15, 2023

As Sure As the Grass Grows

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” (Isa 61:11 AV)

There is a reassuring and profound truth here.  God has designed His creation to follow the natural laws of life and reproduction.  As much as the climate alarmists want to put everyone in a panic, the Creator has instilled unchangeable laws into this world. Noah’s flood could not destroy life.  If we believe the unbelieving scientists who purport an ice age, even that could not wipe out life on this planet.  In other words, life as we know it may change.  But life itself will not.  As long as there is an Earth, life will go on.  This is how God created our world to exist.  The same is true of holiness and righteousness.  God did not create so that unabated desire could reign.  He created mankind to live in righteousness and holiness.  This is our most natural and logical existence.  The more we live in righteousness, the longer, happier, and more productive we are.  This, too, is how God designed mankind to live.  If this is true, which it is, then righteousness and praise will naturally occur.  Eventually.  Wickedness will not continue.  Forget what you see transpiring all around you.  Do not become discouraged.  The LORD did not make the earth and those that dwell upon it to be as they are.  It will change.  Just as natural as biology will spring forth life, mankind will eventually live in righteousness and praise to God.

A few years back, I discovered something rather unexpected.  We had Barberry shrubs on the front of the house.  These shrubs grow exceedingly fast.  They have to be trimmed several times a year.  Especially in the early spring and summer. One year, I let them go a bit too long.  Trimming them became a chore.  I got my trimmer out and cut them back by at least a half.  This left a pile in my front yard that had to be tended to.  Since I was going to get to other bushes the next day, I left the pile standing.  When my son came home from work, I grabbed a wheelbarrow and enlisted his help in getting all the shrub clippings to the dumpster.  Much to my surprise, when we removed the clippings from the yard, it left a dead spot.  These clippings killed everything underneath in less than 36 hours.  It was bare dirt.  Nothing more.  I was amazed.  From that time forward, I left the clippings underneath the bushes and it killed everything but the bush.  Apparently, there is an oil or something that kills all other plants.  The thing is, I didn’t think that spot was going to come back.  I thought I would have to leave it for a year or two until all the barberry poison dissipated by rain or snow.  But lo and behold, it all came back.  It took most of the summer, but the yard restored itself to its original condition.

The verse above gives us hope.  Patience with the world, as it is, will get us through much.  It will also make us better soul-winners.  There may not be much we can do to change the course of this world.  Man has, and always will, fallen away from God more and more.  Noah’s flood, the tower of Babel, and slavery in Egypt never changed mankind.  Why do we think the grace of God in Christ will?  Mankind will reject the free gift of salvation because they do not want God to rule over them.  Things will get worse and worse.  That is until Jesus comes back.  Righteousness and praise will happen.  There is nothing rebellious mankind can do to stop it.  As hard as they try, Jesus will make it all right again and the entire population of the world will praise Him for it!  What a day that will be!  Just as sure as we are that our lawns will come back, Jesus will come back and restore this world to the way it was prior to Adam’s rebellion.  Bank on it.  This is inevitable.

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