Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Determined and Directed

The way of the just is uprightness: thou, most upright, dost weigh the path of the just.” (Isa 26:7 AV)

John Gill has a good explanation of this verse.  In short, the way that the saved must go is uprightness, and God, who is the most upright, has judged that way to be the right and just way.  Note in particular the path of the just is weighed.  This means the way of righteousness is not an arbitrary standard or rule.  This means God has meditated upon the way and has deemed it the best and only way for the just.  Mankind has a hard time believing this.  We want to think the ways of God are based only on His nature and not by a pragmatic principle that makes righteousness advantageous to the saint.  At least that is what immature man thinks.  He learns, over time, God's way is not only the right way but also, the best way.  This is not limited to general living, but also the specific will of God for our lives.  This is not limited to sanctification.  This would also include our place and calling in life.  His way is the best way.  Not just because He has declared it to be so.  But, He has thought it through, examined all aspects of it, and determined the way in which we should go is the best way.

We had some wilderness my father owned in which we camped out a lot.  Keeping twelve children occupied for a week or two with nothing more than 66 acres of woods and a pond was a herculean task.  There as fishing, swimming, and canoeing.  There was badminton, volleyball, and more swimming.  There was hiking, biking, and more swimming or fishing.  After the first two days or so, we were bored out of our minds.  So, my father allowed us to build trails to hike.  We marked them with different color markers.  These trails would wind around certain features like pine forests, hardwoods, the pond, and the outside perimeter of the property.  Everything was acclimated to the pond.  My dad had to approve all plans for trails.  We had to walk him through what we wanted to do before he gave us saws and axes.  Why?  Because he knew that property like the back of his hand.  He knew where the wells were.   He knew where the broken fences were that could allow an errant bull to wander into our woods.  He knew where the poison ivy grew, where the thorn apples were the thickest, and where we could ride our bikes fairly easily.  In short, he knew the overlay of the land much better than we would ever know it and knew the best way to go.

The same is true of God, and much more.  He does not establish our way for the mere pleasure of dictating our lives.  No.  His was is the best way.  His way is the right way.  He has examined all possible ways and has determined that His way will reap the greatest blessings of any way.  The way of the just is upright.  He has weighed in the balance that way and found it to be the excellent way.  There is no better way.  This way is the easiest to travel and the one with the greatest outcome.  God does not promise us a way free of trouble and trials.  This comes with being human.  But it is the way wherein God will be glorified and we, blessed.  It is the way of mutual benefit.  It is the right way.  It is the way in which the just shall remain just.  It is the way wherein the just shall proclaim the goodness of the LORD to all others.  It is the way wherein the adversary can do much less.  It is the way determined before God created anything.  His whole of creation is made to function in that way.  To go contrary is to invite heartache and disaster.   This right way even His angels will attest to.  This way, even the devil will agree – is the right and best way.  We simply must accept and trust.  Trust and obey, for there is no other way.

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