Sunday, June 11, 2023

Being OK With Belonging To Another

Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.” (Isa 48:10-11 AV)

These words are spoken to Israel in the context of Babylon’s invasion and Persia’s rule.  The furnace of affliction for Israel was meant to refine them to holiness so they might be restored to their beloved land.  Israel and Judah had tarnished the name of God by going after other gods.  Judah exceeded the sins of their heathen neighbors.  God could do no other than to bring this upon them.  Partly because He is just.  But more so because He loved them, and continues to love them, with everlasting love.  It is not so much the correction that we want to contemplate.  Rather, let us consider the motive here.  God does what He does for His own sake first.  Not ours.  He does what He does so that He might have the glory.  He does what He does because He is God.  And we have to be ok with this!

My wife and I have been on vacation in Tennessee this past week.  We spent a week in Pigeon Forge and most of that time was at a place called The Island.  It is a small collection of shops and amusement park rides.  We shopped a little but mostly entertained six grandchildren.  There were many experiences from which one could glean examples of spiritual truths, but this one will do for this morning.  I noticed it was not uncommon to see a group of people wearing the same t-shirts or clothing identifying themselves with one another.  One of the most intriguing was a group of grown men wearing leather.  I tried to see what group they were associated with, but never got a clear view.  Some of the groups simply stated a common identity like a church group or kid’s club.  But there was an occasional group that went above and beyond.  Their identity was rather small compared to the message displayed prominently on their shirt. A few had a slogan. A few more and contact information.  But there were a small number that had a message of who and what they were, and what they wished others to know.  These people were not ashamed to advertise what was important to them.  They may have been there for fun, but their cause and purpose were front and center.  They belonged to the group they represented and it was this purpose that found them where they needed and wanted to be.

I could use the example of military personnel, but I have used this example much. The point is this.  Whether we like it or not, by virtue of God being our Creator, He has the right and responsibility to do with that which He created as He pleases.  We do not belong to ourselves.  We may have the ability of self-determination, to s small degree, but we belong to God and all that we do must be for His glory.  Our will must be His will.  Our choices must consider Him first.  Our lives must reflect the glory of God.  This is why He created us.  It is not enough to comply because we fear the consequences.  Our actions might be submitted.  But our hearts are not.  We have to be ok with the truth our lives are not about us.  They are about God.  Our lives are not our own.  They belong to the God who made them.  This complete and enthusiastic surrender to the will of God is what He asks and deserves.  We have to be ok with the truth our lives are about God and not us!

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