Saturday, April 1, 2023

Regardless of What God Does

Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight.” (1Ch 19:13 AV)


Note the phrase following the colon.  The speaker here is leaving the results up to God.  The results are not the reason they need to have courage and fight valiantly.  The enemy is of no consequence.  It doesn’t matter to who the speaker is referring.  It might be those of Gath.  It might be the Ammonites.  It might be the Jebusites who inhabited Jerusalem.  The enemy does not matter.  What matters is the principle.  God promised to give them the land many generations prior.  Canaan belonged to Abraham and his descendants.  Those who inhabited the land at the time of this writing were squatters.  Worse, they were idol worshippers of the worst kind.  They did not belong in the holy land of Almighty God.  It was the principle of the thing.  Too many times we look at the cost of a thing and if victory is assured before we will stand.  This is not bravery.  This is not valiance.  This is a calculated risk.  If we are going to stand then let us do so on principle.  Not on guaranteed results.  Let God be God and we, His people.  This is the message of the speaker above.

These men were committed.  It didn’t matter what God was going to do or not.  It reminds me of the three children of Israel thrown into the furnace of fire.  It didn’t matter whether God was going to rescue them or not.  They were bound and determined to not bow down to an idol.  If God rescued them from the furnace, all the better.  But this was a battle worth fighting.  This also reminds me of Peter.  When he was arrested the authorities asked him if his arrest and imprisonment would discourage further preaching.  His answer was a resounding no.  In fact, he did not feel worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ.  Men like this are all in.  If God gives victory, all the better.  If not, they are still all in.

Our resolve defines who and what we are.  Our resolve defines our faith.  What are we willing to do for the honor of God regardless of what He does or does not do?  David is calling to arms all those who would fight for him.  He is calling to arms all those who are brave enough to fight without any guarantees.  David is sharpening the sword.  He is planning his move.  He prays for God’s blessings and deliverance.  He is expecting God to come through, but he does not need irrefutable proof that God will do so.  His battle is one that he will fight.  No matter what, this giant is coming down.  He has five stones and he needs only one.  He throws the stone and if it hits, it hits.  If not, he will think on his feet.  He asks the question, “Is there not a cause”?  The giant had defied the God of Israel. That was principle enough.  This had to be answered.  This is a man who acts on principle and character.  There is no middle ground.  No giving in.  If he is going down, he is going down swinging.  We may have to make up our minds rather soon where we are in the fight for godliness and the freedom to preach.  The time is coming rather soon when the world will shut our doors and throw us in jail.  It is coming really soon.  What will we do?  Will we pray for assurance from God that all will be well?  Or, will we charge in regardless of what God may or may not do?  Time to make up our minds.

P.S. don't forget our contest for the month of April.  Help celebrate my birthday by signing up your friends and family to my blog.  The individual who signs up the most will win a $20 gift card.  Just have them mention you be submitting a comment with your name.  Winner will be announced at the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog! Always loved your teaching abilities.
