Wednesday, April 5, 2023

God Appreciates Intentions

But the LORD said to David my father, Forasmuch as it was in thine heart to build an house for my name, thou didst well in that it was in thine heart:” (2Ch 6:8 AV)

 What a refreshing and encouraging thing to know God recognizes and appreciates our good intentions.  David was a man after God’s own heart.  David loved the LORD more than most.  He may have had his issues, but when he fell, he was sensitive enough to the voice of God to repent and recommit to obedience and faith.  David’s motive was always the glory of God.  This was his nature from his youth.  When he faced Goliath, it was for the glory of God.  When he ran from Saul to preserve the kingdom, it was for the glory of God.  When he refused to take the life of Saul, it was for the glory of God.  Everything he did was for the glory of God and not for himself.  So, when it came to the temple versus the current Tabernacle, David wanted to build something more suitable for the glory of God and what God did for the nation than a temporary tent-like structure.  David’s heart, ambition, and desire were all in the right place.  It simply wasn’t his calling in life.  God called David to be a warrior.  Not a builder.  That would be his son.  What God didn’t do was correct David for having a desire outside of his calling.  In fact, God acknowledged this and appreciated this.  What an encouragement.

We have seen this is our children.  Although not quite the same, it applies.  It is their regular desire to do something which they are incapable of doing.  Maybe it is making breakfast for their parents to enjoy in bed.  They get up early and plan their strategy.   If all it consisted of was a bowl of cereal and orange juice, it might be a success.  However, they have the idea of making a full hot breakfast.  So they get out the bacon or sausage.  They fry it up in a pan.  Then comes the eggs.  They always turn out scrambled even though they were aiming for sunnyside up.  Bread goes in the toaster.  There are Eggo waffles that follow.  Maple syrup is poured over the whole thing.  They brew coffee but have no idea how many scoops of grounds go into the maker.  When they are all done, onto tv trays it is all placed.  When you look at it, you don’t see the burnt toast and eggs.  You don’t see the underdone sausage.  You don’t see the coffee with floating grounds in it.  When you go out into the kitchen, you don’t see a room where a bomb went off.  You don’t see all the extra work they caused you.  What you see is the heart behind the effort.  You see the genuine expression of love they shared even though they were not qualified to do as such.

This was not a perfect example, but it does get the thought across.  We may have it in our hearts to do something for the LORD, but it is not our calling.  We may want to serve in a certain way, but that is not of the LORD.  We may want to sacrifice or leave something behind for the glory of God, but it is not God’s will for us.  Over the years, I have had several men desire to serve in an office not meant for them.  What we did not do was correct or chasten them for the desire to do something for God that was not meant for them.  Rather, the desire is admirable.  Even if we cannot go on the mission field, God is pleased that we are willing to do so.  Even if we cannot surrender to preach, the desire to do so is admirable.  Even if it doesn’t work out that we can work full-time on a church staff, the fact that we wanted to is something God appreciates.  God does not belittle our desire to do what we cannot do.  He celebrates it.  The disappointment of not being able to do what is on our hearts is punitive enough.  God desires to show you how much He is pleased that you want to please Him and does not take it lightly.

P.S.  Remember, we are looking for more followers.  The future of this blog depends on it.  Please consider encouraging your friends and family to follow this blog.  The individual who signs up the most in the month of April will earn a $20 gift card.  Have them leave a message to let us know who influenced them to become a follower.  New followers can also get in on the action.  Let's see how may we can minister to through this blog.

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