Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Kept Safe

Also Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of the LORD, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Jerusalem, and had put them in the house of his gods;” (Ezr 1:7 AV)

Perhaps most people would not find this to be a miracle, but for all the implements and furniture of the temple to last three kingdoms and many rulers, to me is astounding.  I know.  It was the custom of the pagan nations to place in their houses of worship items from defeated nations.  Their pagan temples were a museum of conquered kingdoms.  Placing items in their temple paid homage to their god being stronger than any other god.  It would be natural to keep these items in their temple.  However, when the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon, it was the Babylonian god whom they conquered and not the Jewish God.  The significance would have been lost.  Furthermore, we know by Daniel’s account, the Babylonians used the Jewish temple implements in everyday use.  They did not stay in the Babylonian temples.  For Cyrus to have them intact and well cared for is a miracle.  Especially over 70 years, three kings, three kingdoms, and countless pagan temples.  If God wants to preserve something, He can use man to do it.

I drive my wife crazy.  I am a hoarder of rare things or things that I value.  At least where food and treats are concerned.  If she buys me something special, I rarely eat the last one.  I make the entire experience last as long as I can.  This is especially true if it was something I considered a treat in my youth.  Growing up, we were not exactly wealthy.  In fact, we were close to being really poor.  So, there were food items we would have that to most, were a regular staple.  Things like milk out of a gallon container.  We drank powdered milk.  Potato chips that didn’t come from a gallon tin.  Chef-Boyardee anything.  We thought candy bars were rare and unless we bought them ourselves, they were never part of our diet.  Oreo cookies were a rare delicacy.  Combos were another.  This brings me to my hoarding issue.  If Lisa buys me something special; like the Resees Easter Eggs she just bought; it will take me a month to eat those six eggs.  It drives her up a wall.  She tells me she can always buy more.  But I cannot help myself.  I have five single bills in a money clip upstairs.  It has been there for almost six months.  I haven’t touched it nor do I take it anywhere.  I cannot keep myself from hoarding that last bit of something I value.  That which we value, we will preserve.

When I think of the doctrine of preservation, I can go to this event above.  If God can keep all the implements intact, over decades and wars, then God can preserve His word no matter what man does.  If God can keep the implements and furniture of the temple from being destroyed or lost, then He can keep the saint secure in His hand.  What I see above is the miracle of God’s preservation.  I see God placing value on something so priceless, that He keeps it safe from harm.  I see God, who loves His children more than we could ever comprehend as able to keep them in His presence from the moment they repent and trust Christ forever.  We are as secure as those implements were in the pagan temple.  Nothing will happen to us.  We will enjoy all of eternity in the presence of our loving God and nothing can change that.  We are eternally secure.

Just a reminder.  Influence your friends and family to become a follower of this blog and you could win a $20 gift card.  Have your friend mention you in a comment and the individual who does so the most will be announced at the end of the month.

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