Thursday, April 27, 2023

God The Peacemaker

Dominion and fear are with him, he maketh peace in his high places.” (Job 25:2 AV)

Even though Job’s friend meant this as a hint, it is still a good statement.  He was inferring that Job needed to get right with God.  He suggested that God controls all things and the things that happened to him happened because of disobedience.  The only relief Job could get, he states, is to find peace through sacrifice and prayer.  Again, as Job’s friends all did, they misunderstood Job’s trouble, accusing him of not being right with God.  They were so wrong.  Be that as it may, the verse above is an encouraging one.  In particular, God makes peace in His high places.  God makes peace!  What a thought.  We know this does not apply to Job because God was not at odds with Job.  At least not in this instance.  It does apply to all of us at one time or another.  God makes peace.  He seeks peace.  He pursues peace.  He invites peace.  He does not wish to war.  He wishes to exist in peace and communion with all His creation.  He will not force peace.  But He does desire it.  And He makes peace!

It takes a special kind of compassion to seek peace as the authority figure.  Not so much as the subject.  Over the years, I have had church members who were at odds with me over something that I didn’t do.  They were at odds with God and I happen to be the magnet that attracted that animosity.  As a leader, one might be tempted to assert authority and attempt to humble such a person.  But that is rarely the best course of action.  They hate God.  Not me.  So, in these cases, it is incumbent upon me to bridge the gap they have caused.  I must take the extra step, go the extra mile, or give the extra sacrifice so that our relationship can be repaired.  It might take a simple text.  Or, perhaps a card in the mail.  A stop or two over at their house to simply visit without bringing up whatever offense they may have imagined.  Then there is always the olive branch of coffee or a meal.  Anything I can do to seek peace when I am not the one who waged war is a special compassion we all should pursue.  To do so is to understand God’s point of view when it comes to our offenses.

We are the ones who created the gap between ourselves and God.  We are the ones who made God our enemy.  We are the ones who strain our relationship with God every time we cease to please Him.  We are the ones who should seek peace.  Yet, the above verse tells us that even though we are at fault, it is God that seeks peace.  After all, He sent His Son to die for us.  He took the initiative.  He made the overture.  He is the one who extended the olive branch even though we are the ones who caused the problem.  He has dominion, which means He is the one in control.  He is not obligated to make things right with us.  He owes us nothing.  Yet, He is the one taking pains to repair something we have broken.  This is not limited to salvation only.  When we are saved and offend a holy God, He again takes pains to encourage us toward peace.  The indwelling Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit so that we might repent and welcome the peace offered by the blood of Christ.  His mercies never fail.  He is ready to forgive and repeatedly offers His children the opportunity to accept that mercy by simple repentance.  What a truly compassionate and loving God we serve!

P.S. Sunday will get here before you know it.  There is still a $20 gift card out there to win.  If you can convince the most people to become a follower of this blog, the gift card is yours.  Have them click the blue 'follow' button to the right.  If using a mobile browser, tell them to scroll to the bottom, click 'view web version', and do the same.  Have them leave a comment and tell us it was you would steered them to this blog.  Winner will be announced Monday!

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