Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Not For Long

Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth,  That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” (Job 20:4,5 AV)

 What and encouraging thought. Again, Zophar applied this to Job.  Because Job was suffering, he assumed Job was the wicked or the hypocrite spoken of in the above verse.  Zophar assumed because Job was suffering, God was cutting him short.  He assumed the triumphing of Job ended because he was a hypocrite.  This is so false it is offensive.  And Job says as much when it is his turn to speak again.  Even though this truth does not apply to Job, it does apply to others.  In the following chapter, Job observes that the wicked and the hypocrite do indeed enjoy a rather prosperous life.  They are not always cut down in this life.  His counter-argument is the wicked and hypocrites are not always judged in this life.  But judgment is coming.  This is what we wish to consider this morning.  We want to be encouraged that no matter how much the wicked and hypocritical advance, it will not always be this way.  Jesus is coming and there is nothing the wicked can do to stop it.  This is our hope.

Watching the news, one cannot help but feel the wicked are advancing and the righteous are losing.  The longer the human race is continued to advance with no challenge to their agenda, it would seem we are all headed for a reality of misery and woe. If we are not careful, we will get sucked up into a mindset of hopelessness.  We will begin to lose faith that things will ever get better.  We will assume the wicked have won and there is nothing the righteous can do.  It is not that we expect life to be perfect.  We know better.  But at least we would hope to be left alone.  We want to preach and live as our conscience dictates.  But that is not what the wicked want.  It is not enough for them to live as they please.  Their conscience will not allow it.  They see the righteous as the enemy of their conflicted conscience, so they lash out.  They think that canceling us will make them feel better.  If only all those Christians will go away, then we can finally be happy because our consciences will no longer haunt us, they think.  Little do they know that there is coming a day when we will all be gone.  At least for a brief time.  But that will not make them any happier because the problem is and always will be, their conscience under conviction by God.  Not us.  Nevertheless, we can get downtrodden by the battle that is waged against us.  We can think the wrong side is winning.  And that may be temporarily true.  But the wicked and hypocrite cannot altar eternity.

Jesus is coming back and no protest, legislation, or court decision can change that.  He is returning on a white horse to wage war with those who hate and despise Him.  Those who rejected His selfless gift by a cruel cross unto salvation will be judged and dispatched.  There will be no mercy for those who do not want mercy.  All the pride that runs so freely in our streets will be subject to the King of kings who values humility over arrogance.  All the unrepentant baby killers and child mutilators will be judged for their wickedness.  All those who flaunt their self-determination against the Creator who made them will pay a price.  All those who believe themselves to be righteous in their own eyes because they showed tolerance towards those who blatantly hate God will see what true compassion looks like.  All those who made merchandise of men with their selfishness will have to account for it.  In short, Jesus is coming back and the truth of the above verse will be obvious.  The wick and the hypocrite will not triumph forever.  Their end is coming.  And sooner than we might think.

P.S.  In case you didn't notice, Sunday is the 30th of April.  The last day of our contest.  The $20 gift card is still up for grabs.  If you can convince the most people to become a follower of this blog, then the gift card is yours.  Have them click the blue 'follow' button to the right, or if they are using a mobile browser, scroll to the bottom, click on 'view web version' and then do the same.  Winner will be announced Monday.

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