Saturday, April 8, 2023

God Helps Us

And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore they compassed about him to fight: but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.” (2Ch 18:31 AV)

Jehoshaphat is a king with a well-intentioned heart.  Jehoshaphat came to Ahab to help him against an enemy.  Jehoshaphat did not pray before he went.  Otherwise, the LORD would have told him no.  Jehoshaphat saw the potential of reunification with the northern kingdom to the extent they would not be enemies.  So, he felt he could go and help the king of the north.  The prophet told Ahab he would fall in battle.  Jehoshaphat still went to the field.  Ahab told Jehoshaphat to wear his royal wardrobe and Ahab wore regular garments.  That should have told Jehoshaphat something.  In the heat of the battle, Jehoshaphat was surrounded because he wore his royal garments.  While being surrounded, he cried out to the LORD and the LORD helped him.  It is amazing how gracious God is to us when we do something unwise or ill-advised.  It is a great thing to consider the grace of God.  Especially when we have put ourselves into a mess and He is not obligated to get us out of it.

We do this all the time.  Sometimes, in really small things.  We might squeeze into a confined space only to realize we cannot get out without help.  Or we sit down on a broken couch and need a hand up to rise.  Perhaps we get lost and a phone call later, we can find our way.  These times are common.  Sometimes, these situations are a result of being naïve.  We believe our actions to be sincere.  We believe them to be right.  The motive might not be.  We might have been motivated by ego.  Perhaps it was expediency.  Maybe our situation was caused by bad luck.  Then sometimes we plan, not having enough information at the time, and when we are into it, the scope of our situation becomes evident.  Perhaps it’s a flat tire.  Or maybe we caught a bad cold.  Perhaps it was poor planning and we stand at the checkout counter, realizing we left our wallet at home.  Or, perhaps like Jehoshaphat, we meant well, but it was not of the LORD and we got ourselves in quite a pickle.  We have all been there.  As a parent, we rescue our kids from these types of things all the time.  They get the car stuck in snow or mud.  They make a financial commitment they cannot meet.  They find themselves in relationships they cannot navigate.  These naïve or well-intentioned fixes require compassion from someone else.  We cannot get out on our own.

This is where Jehoshaphat finds himself.  He was naïve and didn’t realize God was judging his friend Ahab.  He didn’t realize just how wicked he and his wife really were.  In his mind, he was trying to do the right thing.  He felt if he could help Ahab with a mutual enemy, then maybe their kingdoms could get along.  However, Ahab’s biggest problem was not his enemy.  The northern ten tribes had bigger issues than Syria, Moab, or Edom.  Their biggest issue was idol worship and helping them in battle wasn’t going to change that.  Therefore, Jehoshaphat found himself in a near-fatal situation and cried out to God.  God’s grace intervened and saved this well-intentioned king.  What a wonderful God we serve who has our backs when we do stupid things.  He may not always intervene.  But like a good Father would do, He does so often enough.  Praise the LORD for His wonderful works to the children of men.

P.S.  We are in the midst of a followers drive.  Encourage your friends and family to follow this blog.  Have them leave a comment and mention your name.  He or she who can get the most people to become a follower will win a $20 gift card.  Winner will be announced at the end of this month.  

1 comment:

  1. Good day. Read the past week of blogs. You continue to do an amazing job. Thank you for all your study and insight. You have been and continue to be an excellent example of God’s leading and working in a life. I will endeavor to be more consistent in my reading in the future. Thank you for caring!
