Thursday, April 6, 2023

Preparing for The Appointment

And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD.” (2Ch 12:14 AV)

Rehoboam was the first king of Judah once the split between the North and South occurred.  His reign was a reign of mixed results.  There were accolades and there was criticism.  Is in the verse above.  When he started out, the Bible is very flattering concerning his life and reign.  However, toward the end of his life, the above characteristic was true.  As I read this verse, however, I thought of a more practical application than leading a nation.  When we sit down to read our Bibles, do we spend a bit of time preparing our hearts before we dive right in?  How much prayer do we offer before the pages of the word of God are opened?  How much soul searching comes before our spiritual meal and opposed to during it?  I know.  The word of God is that instrument wherein we examine our hearts.  The Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts as we read and search the scriptures.  We search the word of God because we need to change.  Sure.  But what kind of preparation do we exercise before the examination begins?

As anyone who has gone to the doctor knows, one doesn’t simply show up and have an exam.  There is much work that precedes it.  The first is all the paperwork that goes into a simple visit.  There are forms to fill out.  There is history to share.  There are references and referrals that are noted.  All this has to go into the database.  The office worker gives us the same checklist to fill out every time we go.  We have medical questions that are asked.  Then there is all the preliminary lab work that goes into the final appointment.  There are blood and urine tests.  There might be a swab or two.  There might be a scan here and there.  These results are also logged and shared with the physician’s office.  On the day of the visit, personal hygiene is a concern.  We know the doctor will poke and prod in places no one else would ever consider.  He will see parts of us that even our parents have never seen.  Therefore, we are showered, powdered, and dressed well.   We arrive and we have to check in at the receptionist’s desk.  We are asked COVID questions, and contact information, and payment is made.  We clean our hands with the antiseptic and finally sit down.  When our name is called we are ushered to the scale.  We sit in the exam room while the practitioner asks us more questions and our blood pressure is checked.  We wait some more.  Finally, the doctor arrives and our exam can begin.  There is a lot of prep work that goes into our meeting with the doctor.

We seek the LORD before we take the time to prepare to seek the LORD.  We do not approach His presence with humility.  Rather, we approach waiting for Him to humble us.  We do not search our motives.  We do not question our condition.  We come to the LORD as a child comes to the dinner table without first washing his hands.  We run right in with the filth of the world clinging to our souls and then sit down, expecting God to speak with us.  Rehoboam failed because he obeyed the LORD, yet without preparing his heart to do so.  He had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof.  Rehoboam did not take the time to slow down and commune with God before he communed with God.  He did not prepare his heart to seek the LORD.

P.S. twenty-five days to win a $20 gift card.  Sign up your friends as followers of this blog and you could win.  Just have them leave a comment and refer you.  Winner will be announced at the end of the month.

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