Friday, March 24, 2023

You Can and You Will

And there came a messenger, and told him, saying, They have brought the heads of the king’s sons. And he said, Lay ye them in two heaps at the entering in of the gate until the morning.  And it came to pass in the morning, that he went out, and stood, and said to all the people, Ye be righteous: behold, I conspired against my master, and slew him: but who slew all these?” (2Ki 10:8-9 AV)


So, what is going on here?  A man named Jehu was anointed king over the ten tribes of Israel.  He was sanctioned by the LORD to bring judgment on the house of Ahab, his predecessor.  Ahab had died in battle, but his son reigned in Samaria.  Jehu was instructed to kill all the sons of Ahab so that not one of them would reign in Israel.  Jehu took his unction rather seriously.  He killed the king of Israel, Ahab’s son; killed Ahaziah, king of Judah who had married Ahab’s daughter; killed Jezebel, Ahab’s wife; and had all the sons of Ahab beheaded.  This is where we pick up the story.  There were seventy sons of Ahab.  Every one of them was beheaded.  Jehu had the heads of these men piled in two piles outside the gate of the city.  He then called the people together and made the statement above.  This was a profound and wise move by a determined leader to free his people from the oppressive influence of a corrupt king.  Jehu may have killed the king, his wife, his eldest son, and the king of Judah.  But the people executed the rest of the family.  This is an important distinction.  The people had to know it was within them to do right.  They had been under the leadership of evil kings for generations.  They could not believe in themselves.  They had to know no matter how powerful the enemy, they have the power to do right.

Great revivals happen when people cease to see themselves as helpless victims.  They have to see themselves as free, yet not quite free.  They have to believe they can be rid of that which oppresses before they can cast off that which oppresses.  I am fascinated by those who are experts in wilderness survival.  The skills and techniques they reveal are common sense.  However, for those who panic and do not think about their situation all the way through, a predicament in the wilderness can become life-threatening.  One of those predicaments which I like to watch is how to escape from quicksand.  The method of escape is always the same.  The first thing the instructor tells you is not to try to struggle against the sand.  The more the victim struggles, the deeper he goes.  The survivalist explains the victim needs to use surface area to his advantage.  He or she needs to lay on their stomach or belly as much as they can.  This goes contrary to our instinct.  We think we will sink faster.  But it is all about displacement.  Once on the back, work one leg at a time.  Move it in a small circular motion and lift it slowly.  When freed, rest it flat on the sand.  Work the second leg free.  Once freed, move as you would swimming the backstroke.  Slowly move while remaining on your back until you can reach something to help pull you out.  The most important thing the victim must do is believe he or she can be free.  If not, there is no getting out of it.  Panic is the only response.

Victims of oppression need to believe they can be free.  Those overcome by sin need to believe they can be free.  If there is no belief they can be free, then there is no hope.  This is why Jehu had the people execute the sons of Ahab.  He could have gone in there and taken care of business with the small army he had.  He didn’t need the people to do what they did.  They needed to do it.  They needed to see no matter how oppressive Ahab and Jezebel were, by the power of God, they could overcome.  What an astounding exercise from a leader who wanted his people free.  So, if you are battling sin, discouragement, or failure, you are not hopelessly entangled with something that will ruin your life.  By the power of the Holy Spirit, you can do this.  You can have victory.  You can overcome.  You can and will slay the dragon.  There is nothing you will ever face that is greater than the God upon whom you trust!  Nothing!  So, gird on the shield of truth and wield the sword of God’s word.  Pray for enabliement.  Pray for resolve.  Listen to that voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you.  Let His conviction and courage rule in your heart.  By God’s grace, you can do this!

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