Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Whose Jonathan Are You?

And Jonathan Saul’s son arose, and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hand in God.” (1Sa 23:16 AV)


Jonathan is one of my heroes of the faith.  His dedication to the nation, his father, and David and the balance it took to do all three is remarkable.  He is the perfect second man.  David is on the run from Saul.  David has had several very discouraging events.  David sought refuge with the priests of Nob.  Doeg the Edomite saw him and reported back to Saul that David was in Nob.  Saul gathered an army and assembled at Nob.  Upon learning the Ahimelech the high priest gave David food and the sword of Goliath, Saul ordered the death of all the priests.  Only one survived that slaughter and eventually joined David.  Escaping Nob, David eventually winds up in a city of Judah; his own tribe.  Keilah was under attack by the Philistines and sought David to help them.  David rescued this city and expected them to harbor him for a while.  They were his cousins.  They were family.  Yet, when Saul learned of David’s location, he knew he could besiege it and force the people of Keilah to surrender David.  David went to prayer and God told him that indeed, his tribe and extended family would give him over to Saul.  What a disappointment that must have been.  To say that David was in a low time of his life would be an understatement.  Then comes Jonathan.  The son of his enemy.  Rather than heaping on David, he strengthens David.  He told him he had nothing to fear from Saul and that he would eventually reign with Jonathan at his side.  Jonathan was loyal to his father, in as much as he could be, and honored the future king as well.  He strengthened the hand of a man who had lost one too many battles.  This encounter would have been the meeting that propelled David the rest of the way to the throne.

Everyone needs a Jonathan.  They need someone who can see the trouble they are facing and ignores their own situation for the needs of another.  I have had the privilege of being that person.  For years, I served as an associate pastor.  This calling is unique and special.  It was my extreme privilege to discern when my pastor was having a difficult time and be an encouragement to him.  The LORD allowed me to serve under six different pastors.  In each case, they all went through deep waters from time to time.  Most could not see it.  If they could, they assumed the pastor could handle it because he is supposed to be the most spiritual person in the room.  It was a wonderful ministry to read the spirit of my pastor and encourage him from time to time.  The one with which I had the greatest ministry was my pastor and friend, Mike Marshall.  He loved the outdoors.  So, from time to time, we went fishing.  Even more frequently, we did some hunting together.  We have many stories from those times.  There were times I dragged his deer out of the woods because he complained about bad knees.  There was the time I took him fishing at my father’s private property.  There were times when I took him hunting at my in-laws.  Then there were times we simply hung out for coffee.  The thing is, he needed someone who would not need or want anything from him.  He just wanted to be a friend to him.  I had many who did the same for me.  Bunk comes to mind.  My hunting buddy in Kentucky was a great source of encouragement.  These people know what the pastor needs and don’t need.  He doesn’t need an ear in which to air the problems of the church.  That is highly inappropriate.  He doesn’t need someone to feel sorry for him.  He does enough of that for himself.  He doesn’t need someone who is high maintenance and will simply add to the load.  He needs someone who understands without saying a word and will encourage him with optimism, prayer, and especially testimonials of God’s goodness.

David had his Jonathan.  But David was a Jonathan to others, too.  We all need a hand up.  We all need someone to come by our side who will not let us travel down the road of self-pity.  A good friend who will tell it like it is with compassion and understanding.  A friend who will not let us lose hope.  A friend would bring a time of refreshing that is so disconnected from the situation at hand that it fills a void he didn’t even know he had.  Maybe he needs to laugh.  Maybe he needs to cry.  Maybe he needs to empty his mind.  Maybe he needs to rest.  Maybe he needs to know that no matter who he is or what he can or cannot do, he is accepted unconditionally.  Maybe what he needs is a friend.  Can you be that friend?  Can you be that friend to someone else?  Somewhere, there is a David who needs you to be a Jonathan.  He already knows where he has failed and doesn’t need you to remind him of it.  The Devil does a good enough job of that all on his own.  He or she needs someone of humility that understands we are all the same and his or her relationship with you comes with no judgment.  Just a heart dedicated to the spiritual health of another human being.

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