Thursday, March 2, 2023

Nothing Wasted

And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.” (1Sa 3:19 AV)


What a surprise the words of commentators are not unanimous.  Some believe the ‘he’ that didn’t let words fall to the ground is the LORD.  They believe it is the LORD who fulfilled all that He spoke of concerning Samuel.   Most think, however, it is Samuel who did not allow the words of the LORD to fall to the ground.  That phrase has the meaning of an arrow that met its mark rather than coming up short and hitting the ground.  I think the latter is the more accurate understanding seeing as how the next verse speaks of all of Israel concluding Samuel to be the genuine article.  It was the sensitivity and integrity of Samuel that proved he was who he claimed to be.  Besides, for God to honor all that he promised Samuel, Samuel would have had to have been towards the end of his life rather than the beginning of his ministry.  Having said all that, let us consider the testimony of Samuel.  Samuel did not waste the words of God.  That which God told him to speak, that he spoke.  That which the LORD told him to do, that he did.  Samuel noticed, learned, and applied the word of God.  It was his character and faith that proved to all that he was a prophet and judge of Israel.  We may not be called to either of those things, but we can admire Samuel’s testimony and attempt to emulate it.

I was raised not to waste a thing.  This can be a detriment.  But it is more of an asset than not.  This does make my wife question my sanity.  For instance, I cannot pour old coffee down the drain.  Whatever coffee I have left gets mixed in with the fresh pot of the morning.  I will do this for about a week and then pour out the leftover.  Don’t tell my wife.  She thinks she is drinking fresh coffee every morning.  She is, to a point.  I take out the spouts of the laundry soap containers when they get down to the bottom.  Those spouts block about one load’s worth of soap.  Same with the fabric softener.  I love the new toothpaste tubes.  They are plastic and do not collapse.  When I think it is at the end, I take scissors and cut it open.  There are three days worth of pasts still in that tube.  Hair conditioner?  I’m glad you ask.  I buy the store brand and it is super thick.  The old bottle I fill about one-third with water.  I mix it around to dilute what is left.  Then add it to the super thick hair conditioner.  When I am done with a bottle, it is almost completely clean.  Leftovers are rarely thrown out.  It is amazing what a little imagination and courage can produce.  Nothing falls to the ground.

The saint of God should desire to be used by God.  How we are used is determined by our faithfulness to the word of God.  Our reading habits, our study habits, our wisdom in applying what we have learned, and our faithfulness to share the word of God all play a part in how God can use us.  But there must be no waste.  We handle the word of God for God’s glory, the profit of others, and our own profit.  The word of God is too precious to be treated lightly.  It is the perfect word of God and is His revelation of Himself to mankind.  It is His voice.  It is His will.  It is His love letter to humanity and shows us the way to salvation.  The word of God has all we need for life and holiness.  It is the key to blessings and the warning against misfortune.  The word of God is available to all and to all it belongs.  Not one word should be taken for granted.  Not one instruction, not one edification, not one admonishment, or not one piece of wisdom should be taken for granted.  Samuel didn’t waste anything God showed him.  And look at how God used him.

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