Wednesday, March 8, 2023

In Plain Sight

All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.” (Pr 8:8-9 AV)


Proverbs chapter eight is the personification of wisdom.  Wisdom is not a person.  Wisdom is an attribute of God.  By personifying wisdom, wisdom becomes an attribute of God in an intimate exchange with mankind.  Wisdom is not knowledge apart from the person of God.  Wisdom is the disciple to apply what a person knows to be true.  In this sense, because we are fallen creatures, wisdom becomes difficult because our nature to sin would do just the opposite.  We need the personal and intimate indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live successfully.  Thus, wisdom becomes personal.  Having said all that, note the underlined phrase above.  Wisdom is not the deep things; or what we consider as the deep things, of God.  Wisdom is plain.  It is not hard to understand.  Wisdom is common sense.  Wisdom is learning from the mistakes of others or our own and making better choices because of it.  We can witness the success of others and emulate it.  Wisdom is not complicated.  It does not take infinite man-hours to understand what is wise and what is not.  Wisdom is universal.  It does not change.  Wisdom is the same today and will be tomorrow as it was a million years ago.  The words wisdom speaks do not require a college education or a professor to expound.  They are plain.

Today, Lisa and I went to lunch to celebrate and good doctor’s report.  She had her three-month CT scan last week and lab work today.  It all came back with no worries.  As our tradition is, we usually have a date following her appointments.  It is a way to put a positive spin on a negative experience.  We had a gift card to one of our favorite restaurants.  As is my pattern, I look at the doors to see what is and is not allowed.  I live in a state that allowed for open carry, but I also have a license to carry concealed.  Which I do whenever and wherever I can.  So, I checked the door.  It had a no firearm icon on the door.  Typically that means just that.  It is a blackout of a sidearm encircled in red with a line through it.  Now, this silhouette of a pistol is very specific.  I have the habit of identifying pistols whenever I watch something on TV because I am pretty good at the more commonly used pistols.  This particular sign was a Barretta 92.  It is a distinctly shaped pistol that no other manufacturer has identically copied.  It was standard military and police issue for a full-size semiautomatic pistol for several years and is easily identified from other pistols.  Beretta is known for its distinct pistol designs.  Anyway, I saw that sign and remarked to my wife that I was good to go.  I don’t own a Beretta 92.  I don’t carry a Beretta 92.  So, the no firearm sign must not apply to me.  I don’t think she bought it.  Nor would the owner of the restaurant either.

Wisdom is not something God hides or obscures.  Our Father does not make wisdom easy for some while hard for others.  James tells us,  “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (Jas 1:5 KJB)  Upbraideth means to hold back.  If we want wisdom, God will give us as much as we desire.  If we lack wisdom, it is not God’s fault.  When we see someone who we admire for their wisdom, we may assume it to be a gift not available to all.  But that is not what the Bible teaches.  Wisdom is plain.  It is obvious.  It is available.  It is not reserved for some and withheld from others.  If we lack wisdom, that is on us.

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