Sunday, March 19, 2023

Loving Self

He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.” (Pr 19:8 AV)


There is a term we throw around that is misused and, quite frankly, anti-Biblical.  The secular world uses the term self-love to designate a feeling one has for oneself.  A feeling of self-affirmation, self-appreciation, and even pride for oneself.  This self-love is pushed into our culture as a way to tolerate our own faults.  Self-love is an excuse to live contrary to the word of God and feel proud as one is living that way.  But the passage above reveals the true manifestation of self-love.  If we loved our own souls, we would seek the wisdom that comes from above.  We would study the word of God and pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to live according to it.  If we really loved ourselves, we would conform to the commandments of the word of God and confess our faults when we fail.  One thing is clear.  Remaining naïve is not a food thing.  Remaining in the dark is a form of self-hatred.  Refusing to read and study the word of God that we might apply it, is a form of self-loathing.  If we really loved ourselves, we would know and live the word of God.

There are so many weight loss programs out there, it is hard to keep them separate.  Our TV is hammered with one ad after another of diets for a person to try.  There is GOLO.  There is Adkins.  There are KETO products.  Supplements are promising to shed pounds.  But the one that seems to broadcast more than others is WeightWatchers.  I don’t know if their commercials are the ones that I am thinking of, but some push self-love as the motivation to try their product and lose weight.  I don’t think that idea is proprietary.  I wouldn’t be surprised if several of these products use that same motivation.  Regardless of who it is, they do have a point.  Not that we should love ourselves over God.  Rather, if we do truly care for ourselves, then we will do what we can to live healthily.  If we do not care for ourselves, then no matter what method we try, it will not work.  I remember one commercial years ago.  It might have been for weight loss.  Or, it might have been for a nicotine patch.  The subject mentioned they had struggled with addiction and tried everything on the market.  They were motivated by a child telling them to quit, or this child would grow up without a parent.  This worked for a while.  The addiction came back.  It wasn’t until the subject decided to “do it for myself” that he or she gained the victory.  There is something to this.

Our first motive for living wisely should be our love for the LORD and to bring Him glory through our choices.  However, the second best motivation is that we love ourselves.  Again, you might be chaffing at that term.  Love ourselves.  Our king, Solomon used those words.  He is not advocating an ego-centric love.  He is not pushing an arrogant love.  Solomon is not teaching a love for self above love for God or love for others.  Solomon is merely saying if we seek and live by wisdom, then we show appreciation for the life God has given and are willing to care for it as He would.  This is not an infatuation with self.  This is a sacrifice to ensure self grows and remains healthy.  Like taking our medications, exercising, and eating right shows an appreciation for life, wisdom is the same.  Wisdom is to the soul what healthy living is to the body.  Turning our back on wisdom is a form of destructive self-loathing.  Not good.

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