Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Our Large Place

They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me.” (2Sa 22:19-20 AV)


David uses the reference to a large place a few times.  He uses the phrase three times.  Two of those three times, the passages are related to the same event.  The large place is not necessarily a physical place.  Rather, it is a state of deliverance.  The large place is the absence of a state of being that is oppressive and restrictive.  In the above passage, David is referring to all his enemies.  All those who would do him harm have been dealt with.  These are his last published words.  The end of his psalm writing.  David is looking towards glory and knows his fight is concluding and his battles have been won.  Whenever I read that phrase, the Spirit has me pause.  He wants me to consider my present large place.  He also wants to remind me of my future large place.  These large places are free from constraint.  Free from stress.  Free from expectations.  Free from conflict.  These large places are times when life is easier and breathing is not so laborious.  The large places are many.  They are places where God and you commune in sweet fellowship and all is right with the world even though it is not.  It is a place or time of contentment, faith, and patience.  A time when you experience the all-sufficient presence of God.

I have had many large places in life.  There are the swamps of Neceedah, WI.  There are the shores of lake Michigan, Geneva Lake, Lake Ontario, and Lake Remmick.  There are the corn fields of Kentucky, the Southern Tier Parkway of N.Y., and the Western Kentucky Parkway.  There are plane rides, train rides, and hiking trails.  These large places are places of deliverance.  They are places where the world does not take the effort to encroach and the LORD refreshes my soul.  There are the empty beaches, the deer stand, and the pond I fished.  But there are also the hours I enjoy, in my recliner, with soft piano music and a good book.  There are large places of truth such as knowing my sins are forgiven, the never-ending presence of the Spirit, and my devotion time with God.  There are rainy days with a warm cup of coffee, and a veranda or concourse where the birds sing and the breeze blows softly.  There are the parks in the middle of a weekday when everyone else is at work or school.  There is the top of the Falls CafĂ© during the off-season.  There is the dream of heaven with the water of the river of life lazily floating by.  There is the tree of life for the healing of the nations.  There is the still quiet voice that comes in the middle of the night to assist my soul as my God and I commune. 

There are many large places.  God has provided each as a way of escaping, even if it is but for a moment, to a place where the world, the devil, and the flesh are not welcome.  A hymn that comes to mind is Near To The Heart of God.  The lyrics are as follows: “There is a place of quiet rest,//near to the heart of God,//a place where sin cannot molest,//near to the heart of God.//Refrain: O Jesus, blest Redeemer,//sent from the heart of God,//hold us, who wait before thee,//near to the heart of God.//2 There is a place of comfort sweet,//near to the heart of God,//a place where we our Savior meet,//near to the heart of God. [Refrain]//3 There is a place of full release,//near to the heart of God,//a place where all is joy and peace,//near to the heart of God. [Refrain]”  Seek that large place.  It comes often.  It comes when most needed.  It comes by way of the Spirit.  It comes that we might have respite from our journey in life.  It comes because it is needed.  Pray for it.  Watch for it.  It might be closer than you think.

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