Sunday, March 5, 2023

Be A Kid Again

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.” (Pr 5:18 AV)


A very interesting understanding came to mind this morning.  Solomon is speaking to an adult child.  Most commentators speak of the wife of his youth and the wife he married in his youth.  The blessed fountain means to have children.  In other words, Dad is saying to his son that he wishes him many children by the one wife he married in his youth and that throughout life, he might rejoice with her.  The phrase ‘of thy youth’ got me thinking.  As the Spirit mulled it over in my mind, I came back to that phrase and the reality that the wife of his youth would eventually be the wife of his old age.  So, why phrase it in such a way?  Perhaps there is a principle we can learn and apply as we age.  Maybe, the wise writer here is pointing out that age is just a number.  The joy we shared as a newly married couple should be the joy that remains.  The youthful love and optimism we once had should be consistent throughout our marriage.  Perhaps we need to stop and think about what it used to be like and try, albeit in a different context, to capture some of that same joy again.

Getting older is not for the faint of heart.  Things change.  We change.  We are not the same people we were when we married many years ago.  We have complimented one another.  We have morphed into one.  Along the way, we met hardships head-on and faced them together.  As we get older, the inevitable becomes more of a reality.  We know this life cannot last forever, but that which comes upon all people is far closer than it has ever been.  Our bodies ache.  Our finances dwindle.  Our days and nights get more lonely as the kids marry, move away, and are busy with their own lives.  That which once was easy is now a massive chore.  It would be easy to forget the joy of our youth.  As we get older and troubles seem to mount, our memories fail of the times we used to have.  Solomon shows no pity here.  That is because we do not need it.  He tells his son to rejoice with the wife of his youth.  Not the wife he thinks he has today.

Regardless of our current trials, there is always something for which we can rejoice.  Our lives have changed.  They have become immensely more complicated.  We are getting to an age where appointments regarding health care are far more numerous.  We are not nearly where my in-laws are, but we are quickly approaching this reality.   They are off to some doctor, dentist, hearing aid place, or optometrist at least once a week.  Many times it is more than that!  Cancer is not part of our daily conversation.  There are inherent challenges with this.  There are days of anxiety and fear, other days of joy and peace.  It is a rollercoaster ride, to say the least.  If we are not careful, we will allow life to rob us of the joy that marriage should bring.  Rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  She is still the same amazing woman you married decades ago.  Even more so, in fact.  Time and trials have transformed her into the beautiful, astounding, and amazing person she is.  She needs that joy.  She needs to know despite all that faces her, you still are doing back-flips because she said ‘yes’.  She is the wife of your youth.  She always has been.  Don’t let life rob you of the joy you two will share from the day you exchanged vows until eternity future.  Glory to God for His goodness to the children of men!

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