Sunday, September 11, 2022

Worry Free Life

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Php 4:6-7 AV)


A rather familiar passage, its application often escapes us.  The simplest of all principles to understand, yet we fail miserably in applying it.  The truth is not deep nor complicated.  The results are guaranteed.  All one needs to do is to take it to the LORD in prayer and the heart will settle into peace.  This does not mean prayer as a simple statement of words.  Rather, prayer mingled with faith results in peace that cannot be understood.  Prayer is often spoken words of concern or wishes.  Although these words may be true, one must ask if faith was involved.  If we are going to God in prayer, do we go in faith?  Do we bend the knee knowing God hears us and that He will answer?  Paul uses the word ‘careful’ to mean full of care.  In other words, the concern we have should not be stronger than the faith we must possess.  Faith in God’s character and ability must be stronger than the anxiety we feel over our concerns.  These two verse promise that if we go to God in prayer, founded in faith, He will grant peace which we cannot explain.

There were times my children would come to me with a problem that was overwhelming to them.  I didn’t always solve their problem for them.  Sometimes, I instructed them on how to solve it themselves.  When they were very little, dad had to solve their problem.  As they matured, dad took more of a hands-off approach, guiding them to the steps needed to overcome that which ailed them.  What they never doubted was my commitment to assisting them no matter their need.  Even if it was a situation caused by their own disobedience, I did not turn a deaf ear to their pleas.  Dad was always there to help navigate through life’s challenges and they were never alone.  To their credit, my sons never got into serious situations that looked rather bleak.  At least not that I can remember.  There was the occasional entrapment like a pant leg caught in a bike chain, or sliding down a ravine, but nothing too serious.  There was an occasional relationship issue with school friends, but nothing too overwhelming.  I can remember only a few crisis situations that to them seemed bleak and they usually revolved around adolescent romance.  We navigated them and they came out of it just fine.  The times of intercession were precious.  One indisputable truth they had was that dad was always there and no matter the circumstances, he cared and more than likely could solve the issue.

Prayer is more than just asking for things.  It is often seen as nothing more than this.  Prayer is a relationship.  Prayer is communication between two individuals who share a mutual interest in one another.  Prayer should not be seen as any different than any other conversation in the sense we do not have a conversation for the mere purpose of obtaining something.  At least not all conversations.  Conversation is more than a shopping list.  It is a means to connect with the one to whom we are speaking.  Prayer is no different.  Prayer is a way for us to connect with the Father regardless of our need.  Sharing our need with Him is an extension of that connection and should not be the definition of it.  If we see prayer as a way of connecting, then we can understand how all our anxieties are replaced by a peace that we cannot understand.  As He Spirit speaks with our Spirit, worry and fuss melt away.  We may not know exactly how God will answer.  We may not know when He will respond to our need.  But we can know for sure that He has heard and He does care.  Far more than we can fathom!  Therefore, the principle remains strong.  If we are worried, then go to God in prayer.  Pray to Him in faith.  Nothing wavering.  If so, we can have incomprehensible peace knowing our Father loves us and cares for us more than we will ever know!

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