Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Iron Man Is a Weakling

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Eph 6:10-11 AV)


This is a rather familiar passage.  As new believers in Christ, we are taught the specific items of the armor of God.  We are instructed in the importance of our Bibles, prayer, and faith.  We are given tools to implement these disciplines.  We are given devotional books, basic bible studies, and fellowship all designed to help us grow in Christ.  We are helped along the way by encouragement from mature believers and held accountable by our preachers and mentors.  Along the way, however, we can begin to believe we have arrived at a place of maturity where we are not as dependent on the above things as we once were.  Note Paul tells the Ephesians to be strong by the power of God’s might and not our own.  Before we consider putting on the armor of God, we must be convinced we are not able to fight the battle in our own strength. We think we can.  We may even be a bit embarrassed to admit we cannot.  But we try anyway.

On an introductory page of their website, Eksobionics writes concerning their product, “Multiplying Strength - The metal frameworks of exosuits are fitted with motorized or mechanical muscles to multiply the user’s strength, basically mirroring the wearer’s internal skeletal structure. Exoskeleton suits make objects feel lighter – even weightless sometimes – which reduces injuries and improves compliance in a variety of industries….They first came on the scene after being developed for the military, but have since made the shift from military and healthcare into manufacturing.  Construction and agriculture industries are also incorporating exoskeletons where workers are known to carry and transfer very heavy loads while moving in a repetitive manner.”  These suits were first developed as a means to transform an ordinary human soldier into a superhuman soldier.  Think of Marvel’s Iron Man.  In another article published by Mackarey and Mackarey Physical Therapy Consultants LCC, they explain the main benefits of exoskeleton suits. “Currently, the most prominent use for exoskeletons is to help retrain a patient’s gait following an injury or stroke as part of a rehabilitative program with the hope of helping the patient to ultimately regain the ability to walk independently. However, recent FDA approval of the ReWalk exoskeleton for personal use outside of the clinic can provide individuals with a permanent means of maneuvering independently as the exoskeleton can be used at home and in the community.”  This technology is a perfect example of the strength of the LORD and the power of His might!

We are very limited in what we can naturally do.  Compared to what we can accomplish by the strength of the LORD, it is almost nothing.  Putting on the whole armor of God without first relying on His might would be like putting that exoskeleton on without putting in the power source that drives it.  Or better yet, while looking at a humanly impossible task we attempt it all the while the suit stays charged in the garage.  This is how we handle the battles of life if we first do not come to the place where we realize our strength is insufficient.  It would be wise to admit that truth even before we see the whole scope of the battle.  If we do this, the scope of the battle will not matter.  It could be a simple skirmish or an all-out war.  It wouldn’t matter.  If the Devil attacks, it wouldn’t matter if by many or by few.  If we wage war in the strength of the LORD, the size of the enemy will not matter.  Lastly, Paul’s instruction is a permanent state of being.  To be strong in the LORD and the power of His might is not something we put on or take off.  It is not like the armor when certain elements play a bigger part than others depending on the battle at hand.  The might of the LORD should always be there and is the foundation for the armor of God.  It is the most important element of any battle we face.  So, stop trying to wage a war you cannot win without the strength and might of God.  You will fail.  When life is unbearable, remember that God doesn’t expect you to endure without Him.  He is there.  Just lean on Him!

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