Friday, September 23, 2022

What A Sight!

I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” (Da 7:9 AV)


What a sight that will be!  The older I get the more and more I want to see my God sitting on His throne.  Especially considering Daniel’s first phrase.  The kingdoms of this world will be cast down.  The arrogance of mankind will be destroyed.  The principalities and powers that wreak havoc among the children of men will be dispensed into eternal hellfire.  Then the Ancient of Days, our heavenly Father, will give to the Son the right and responsibility of regal license over the entire world.  For now, the ability to rule is given to Satan and his ilk.  But there is coming a time when they will be destroyed once and for all, never again to be a factor in the affairs of mankind.  When Jesus sits upon His throne, all the enemies of God will be cast out of the kingdom and He and only He will rule in righteousness and true holiness.  The mere sight of our divine Godhead and the presence of His glory over all He has created is the sight for which my soul deeply yearns.  Just to see Him face to face is the deepest desire of my heart!

Over the years, there have been men whom I have admired.  Mostly men of God.  To my naïve and immature mind, these men represented perfectness that I one day hoped to emulate.  I didn’t know any different.  Especially in my younger spiritual life, I could look up to these men as the epitome of godliness, holiness, and spiritual maturity that I would one day attain.  In fact, it was an experience like this that began the call of God on my life.  As I sat in an Institute Graduation service, I remember looking at the ordained men of God sitting in their robes and sashes, admiring them for something they had that I could not define.  As I beheld in wonderment their different remarks and addresses, the Spirit moved me to a deep appreciation for what it was they had that I didn’t.  As I listened to each of the graduates briefly give testimony as to what they believed God was calling them to do, I recall the prayer that I prayed that hour.  I asked the Spirit for whatever they had.  Whatever it was they had, that is what I wanted.  Especially as I witnessed the white-haired preacher address the graduates with a seriousness and directness not typical of a normal church service.  Then he sat back down.  When he sat there, one would get the sense the godliest of men sat in the most elevated place, giving an air of authority to the proceedings that would not otherwise be there.  There was something about someone who had decades of dedicated service sitting in a chair is the center of the platform that was necessary and moving.

All of that cannot even come close to what it will be like when we see the Ancient of days sitting on His throne high and lifted up.  For me, anyway, there will be a sense of security and finality to it all.  I know that this sinner will be moved to shame and humility as such a sight.  So much so to the degree, I have never felt before.  His glory will fill all of creation and beyond.  It will be blinding.  It will be moving.  He will fill heaven and earth.  There is no equal.  Or any that can come close.  The absolute authority by which He will sit will put all under His feet.  No more of the chaos and evil we see in this world.  Forever vanquished.  Forever judged and condemned.  When the Ancient of days sits upon His throne over all the earth, that will be, in the words of Daniel, the end of the matter.  What a sight that will be.  One that I cannot wait for!

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