Thursday, September 22, 2022

Praise God for His Deliverance

He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.” (Da 6:27 AV)


These are the words of Darius, king of the Medes and Persians regarding Daniel and his endurance through the lion's den.  The night before the lion’s den, Darius tried to encourage Daniel by stating the LORD would deliver him from the mouths of the lions.  Yet, that night Darius spent the night in prayer and fear.  In the morning, he went as early as he could and called unto Daniel with a lamentable voice to see if Daniel survived.  This indicated that Darius did have faith.  But not as much as he did when Daniel was taken from the lion’s den.  He cried with a lamentable voice, but praise God with a joyful one.  It is truly a wonder that God will work even when we do not completely believe that He will.  Who knows?  It could have been the faith of Daniel that saved him.  There is no record of it, but that doesn’t mean Daniel had none.  It could have been the prayers of the three children of Israel, although there is no mention of them beyond the fiery furnace.  The only prayer we have is the prayer of Darius.  Again, not that the prayers of others affected the hand of God, but we do know Darius’ prayer did.  God delivered even though there was doubt.  God rescued because the heart’s desire we greater than the doubt or fear.

Every spring, The Exodus seems to be a common film broadcast on TV somewhere.  Charleston Hesston plays Moses and the big screen tells the story of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt.  My wife and I usually watch it every year.  Not so much for the historical record.  Many times in the film there are miss-ques on the timeline of the entire event.  However, we watch because the ability of God to work miracles is something that becomes real when watching the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea.  God’s deliverance is made dramatic and obvious.  What always astounded me is how quickly this miraculous deliverance is forgotten.  It only took three days before the nation of Israel was complaining to the LORD for the lack of fresh water.  They had forgotten all that God had done because a little adversity entered their lives.  The deliverance of God was relinquished to a distant memory even though it was only a few days prior.  One would think having seen all they saw, there would never be another worry.  This only goes to show the deliverance of God should be rehearsed often so that we do not forget what God did and what He is capable of.

To rejoice in God’s deliverance is a profitable thing.  When Darius pulled Daniel from the lion’s den, he threw his accusers into the pit in his place.  There was great rejoicing in the deliverance of God by setting things right that were wronged.  Darius’ faith grew exponentially here.  He went to bed wondering if God would indeed rescue someone very close to him and rose seeing God’s mighty hand at work.  He went to bed wondering if he has just occasioned the death of his most faithful and trusted counselor and arose knowing the God whom Daniel served was more than capable of keeping His servants safe.  Perhaps we don’t need to be challenged in anything today.  Maybe we can take stock of the many ways God has delivered us starting with eternal damnation.  By Christ, we have come out of the lion’s den.  The enemy has no power over us and by the blood of Christ, we will be admitted into glory.  We can continue through memory lane and list all the times God has delivered us from travesty.  Some of our own making.  Most not.  God’s deliverance is frequent and without delay.  He sees His children in trouble and if there is no lesson to learn or no glory to be gained, He immediately rescues those in trouble.  It was true forty years ago when He saved me.  It is still true today.  Great are the works of God toward the children of men.

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