Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Mutual Glorification

Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2Th 1:11-12 AV)


These two verses are packed with truth.  But there is one phrase that captures the heart of this writer.  The whole point of salvation is our glorification and fellowship with God.  That is why Jesus dies for us.  To transform us into the image of Himself.  This is the foundation of Paul’s prayer for the people of this church.  His heart’s desire is that Jesus Christ would be glorified in each and every life and conversely, each individual life would glorify the LORD Jesus Christ.  We can be guilty of making life all about that which is easily seen or discerned.  We can become carnal or temporal in our thinking and neglect to remember life is far more than what we can put our hands on.  Life is about things we cannot touch, taste, smell, or hear.  Our walk with God is more than meat and drink.  Our relationship with the LORD transcends the weather, our health, or the roof over our heads.  Our walk with God is all about transformation.  Conversion from sin to righteousness.  From loneliness to sweet communion with God.  From that which will pass away to that which will always remain.  Our whole purpose for existence points to a culmination of sweet and perfect unity with the Creator God who loves us beyond our own comprehension.  That Jesus might be glorified in us and we in Him is the reason we exist.  This is the pursuit of life.

There is a falsehood that our Christian life is all about ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’.  The word of God is full of such things.  They are not an end in themselves.  This is where legalism creeps in.  Keeping rules simply to keep rules has no eternal value.  The principles given in the word of God are not sterile commands with no greater purpose than conformity.  The principles and commands of scripture are a reflection of the holiness of God.  They are not benign instructions for the sole purpose of compliance.  No.  The principles and commands of the word of God are for our blessing and the glory of God.  When we live in conformity to the Word, we are reflecting the very nature of a holy God.  When we do those things instructed of us, we reveal the reality of God to a world that cannot see Him.  When we live in accordance with His character and nature, we are preaching the truth that God exists and that all should know Him by faith.

Many years back, a young couple found themselves in a familiar situation.  Shortly after marriage, the husband was drafted into the conflict to end all wars.  After about a month on the battle field, our soldier received a letter from his new wife announcing he would be a father.  How elated he was.  About eight months later, his new son arrived.  This newlywed couple exchanged letters as often as they could.  Hundreds of them.  Three years turned into six years.  Six years turned into eight years.  Finally, the war ended and surviving against all odds, he returned home.  His seven-year-old son whom he had never met awaited him.  Getting off the ship and heading to the crowd, mom never gave away which soldier was this young man’s dad.  But he knew.  As their eyes met, this seven-year-old ran and jumped into his father’s arms.  Why?  Because for seven years a faithful wife rehearsed into the ears of their son who his father was and what he was like.  He knew right away!  The familiarity between Mom and Dad signaled the right man.  This is what we should be.  We should such a remarkable reflection of Jesus Christ that those who are seeking Him can find Him.  Christ in us and we in Him!

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