Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Slumber Time Prayer

For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul. Upon this I awaked, and beheld; and my sleep was sweet unto me.” (Jer 31:25-26 AV)

I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.” (Ps 77:6 AV)


Slumber time is the time when God can do a lot of work.  Our spirits are in a state of rest and all that life demands from us is on hold.  Our minds can be cleared of immediate needs and thoughts, contemplating rather on those things of life that cause the most distress.  This can be a good thing.  It can also be a horrible thing.

In the dark and quietness of the night, our minds and hearts can cut loose on any and all anxieties which we carry.  We can begin to worry about things that may have no chance of ever being a reality.  We allow the quietness of the night to become an unbearable silence that opens the mind to unpleasant thoughts.  It is during these times when the sweetest prayer is often offered.  Not that we are terrified or even overly anxious.  But it is in these times when we can deeply reflect on that which troubles our hearts to a depth those troubles can be addressed.  When all the static of life is behind us, our minds and hearts can sift through that which troubles them to deal with underlying issues that go to the core of those troubles.  It is in these times of prayer the Spirit often does His most significant work.

To lay one’s head down and fall asleep in prayer is one of the wisest things the saint can do.  Reflecting on what the LORD did that day, or confessing faults, or both, is a good way to fall off into sleep.  Waking up the same way is also very smart.  I have a brain condition that causes me to wake in an unpeaceful way.  It is in those times when that which is bothering me the most comes to the surface.  It is often in those times that the LORD does His most significant work in my heart and mind.  Before I start my day, I must resolve to trust Him in all things.  It doesn’t take all that long.  The Spirit tells me to trust and I do.  There isn’t much wrestling.  There isn’t much anguish.  The heart and mind are brought into subjection to the power and ability of the Spirit and all is well.  My weary soul is refreshed as I learn to leave things with God.  If there are unresolved issues in the heart or mind, the Spirit and I go to work before I rise for the day.

God gives His people rest.  He does so for a reason.  Not only for the body.  The body needs to rest from its labors indeed.  Rest is also given to the mind and spirit.  For the heart and will.  They need refreshing.  They need to be healed from the labor they accomplished and for what lies ahead.  OF all the time of prayer I share with the LORD, my nighttime and early morning are the sweetest and most productive.  This is where the LORD becomes very real to me.  I must for my own sanity.  I am driven to converse with my God in the quietness of the night.  There is no better time to be alone with God than when everyone else is asleep and the world is making no demands on you.  It is the only time when private time can be guaranteed.  The flesh is too weary to tempt and the devil is off bothering someone else.  It is the time when God has full access to that which needs the most attention.

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