Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sorry You're Here

Otherwise it shall come to pass, when my lord the king shall sleep with his fathers, that I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders.” (1Ki 1:21 AV)


These are the words of Bathsheba.  She is concerned with Adonijah.  Adonijah is David’s eldest living son.  With help from some of David’s administration, he assumes the throne in David’s stead.  David is elderly and weak and never anointed Solomon to take his place.  These words are spoken to David.  Bathsheba was not so much concerned with who would be serving as King as she was the safety of herself and Solomon.  She knew if Adonijah was to take the throne, Solomon and Bathsheba would be perceived as a threat even if they were not.  Their very existence was a threat to him.  The point is very clear.  The disobedient or wicked will always see the righteous as a threat.  The very existence of the righteous is a threat to the wicked even if they did nothing.  We want to be accepted and affirmed.  But the saints will never be accepted or affirmed in the eyes of the wicked.

I don’t normally do this because the purpose of this blog is not apologetic.  It is not my intention to call down saints with whom I disagree.  And, my following comments are not intended for that purpose.  Referencing the following is merely an example of that to which I am referring.  A “Christian” author and apologist was recently interviewed and stated the present state of animosity of the LGBTQ community towards evangelicals can be traced back to our response to their lifestyle during the 80s and 90s.   Tim Keller comments that states if we were more kind and welcoming to this community, the animosity would not exist.  I beg to differ.  He further states that when the world persecutes the believer for his stand against same-gender relationships, whatever comes his or her way was earned by the improper response to the sin of this community.  I find it ironic a man who professes to believe if Jesus Christ would even assert such a thing.  The founder of our faith did nothing but good works and sacrificed His life for all of humanity.  Yet they killed Him on a cruel cross!  What was His crime?  Healing the blind.  Giving sound back to the deaf or strength back to the lame?  Giving life back to the dead?  He confronted the self-righteous.  He confronted the adulterer with her sin.  He confronted the weak in faith.  He did so to give them the answer to their circumstances.  And what did He get?  Torture and agony.

The truth is simple.  Those who hate God and His righteousness do not want those who love God around.  Even if we are to hide in caves and leave the rest of the world alone, they would still see our existence and a threat.  We could, and often do, offer no resistance to the wickedness of the world.  We step aside and do not hinder much of the world's sin.  We may do what we can legally.  But by and large, outside of voicing God’s word, we honor individual soul liberty.  We do not run the government.  We don’t even run the schools.  However, the very existence of a church building or those who attend is a treat.  It is high time we as believers wake up to the fact no compromise could turn the relationship between God’s people and the devil’s people into a giant love fest.  It simply is not going to happen.  We are to reach them by loving them without any expectation of love in return.  The simple fact we are here is uncomfortable.  Our job is not to be loved.  Our job is to represent the interests of God’s amazing grace for the lost.  But remember, deep down in their heart, your presence is a threat and that will never change.  We have to find the means of overcoming this without trying to change this.  To do so is the compromise.

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