Monday, March 29, 2021

Liberation is Coming

When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall.” (Pr 29:16 AV)


This is the patience of the saints.  We are called to a very unique responsibility conflicted with a certain reality.  We are called to be a witness of the grace of God to those who are without Christ.  This puts us in regular contact with the wicked.  As time marches on, ever so closer to the LORD’s return, we notice less and less are coming to Christ.  We also notice there are fewer who seem neutral or tolerant of those who believe in Christ.  It seems the closer we arrive at the coming of the LORD, the more polarized the world is becoming against the God who created them.  We are called to share God’s love and grace despite what we may receive in return.  We are not called to pass judgment or wish God’s judgment in a way God would not allow.  Yet, the king above does share this with his children as a means of encouragement.  Solomon assures his children that wickedness will increase.  This is a foregone conclusion.  This will happen. However, there is a promise.  It will not always be this way.

We in America have been pretty sheltered.  Outside of the war between the states, we have never had an actual war wherein our land had been occupied.  I watch war films from time to time.  The history of war and how God moved to liberate the captives to me is fascinating.  There are not too many WWI films, but of those I’ve seen, the ones that stick in my mind the most are not necessarily battlefield films.  Rather, pictures of bombed-out cities and towns with people in rags sitting in their doorway are what really stick out at me.  When we view the occupying forces as they march down the main road, there is a certain look on the faces of the captives that is universal.  There are shots of people standing in bread lines as the enemy consumes all valuable assets for their campaign.  The occupying forces march on and take whatever they desire, leaving nothing in their wake.  All hope is gone from the faces of those who lay in deep poverty, disease, or worse death.  These films are all in black and white which makes them appear even direr.  When watching films like this, I cannot help but meditate on what these poor people might be feeling.  They were overwhelmed.  They were oppressed.  They were brought to the end of themselves.

Then as history unfolds, we see these same people receive news that liberation is coming.  At first, it is just news.  Word makes it through the grapevine that the good guys are coming.  Their demeanor begins to change.  No longer are they downcast.  They are still in pain, but the pain seems easier to endure.  As their eyes are fixed on the horizon, they look for any sign that may verify what they had heard.  They see an increase in activity which indicates the front lines are moving closer to their position.  Then they see aircraft fill the sky.  First of their enemy's forces, then of their liberator’s.  Smoke soon rises in the distance.  Liberation is with their grasp.  As they get closer to liberty, what the enemy does to them doesn’t matter.  The beating could get worse.  The starvation increases.  Solitary is their normal accommodations.  But it doesn’t matter.  They know liberty is close and those who would inflict such cruelty will be dealt with.  But the real prize is the restoration of all which the enemy destroyed.  Buildings and homes are rebuilt.  Roads are repaired.  Farmland is planted.  Parks are beautified.  There is food at the grocer's.  And there is the laughter of children playing in the streets again.

This is the hope of the saint.  We have seen sin completely destroy that which God meant as a blessing.  What is even more horrible to watch is the ever-advancing hatred for God and His righteousness that causes utter devastation upon mankind.  That in which we can take solace is the fact Jesus is coming back and all this will be over.  No more destruction.  No more wickedness.  No more ruined families, nations, or world.  When Jesus returns, the wicked will fall.  Then the righteous will rejoice with unspeakable joy.

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