Friday, March 12, 2021

For His Glory First - For our Pleasure Last

"For thy word’s sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all these great things, to make thy servant know them.” (2Sa 7:21 AV)


The great things of which David speaks is the establishment of his throne to himself, Solomon, and their progeny, as well as giving David a royal palace.  These blessings bestowed by God upon David were in response to David’s heart.  David saw the ark of God of which he had just rescued from the Philistines resting in the tent of the tabernacle.  David looked around him and saw the royalty of his neighbors in the lavish homes.  He noticed the temples built for the false gods of the area.  He looked upon the tent in which the ark dwelt and thought the God of all the universe deserved a house of splendor greater than anything the world could produce.  David was not disillusioned with the tabernacle.  His heart was truly set on building a house for the LORD worthy of the glory due to His name.  This, the LORD approved of.  But not by the hands of the king whose job it was to conquer the enemy.  David’s hands were bloody with the blood of war.  It would be his son, Solomon who would build it.  However, what the LORD did do was bless David’s heart and intent by giving him a perpetual throne and palace.  However, what we want to notice in particular is David’s understanding of why God gave that blessing.  It wasn’t first and foremost to reward David for his heart.  The blessing came first and foremost that God might be seen as faithful and worthy of our trust.  It was given first and foremost for the glory of God and not for the pleasure of David.

How we receive a gift and what we do with it tells a lot about our maturity level.  How a child receives a gift and how a mature adult receives one is vastly different.  At Christmas time, families sit around the tree and open gifts.  The child will rip open the package and release its contents.  He will begin to play with it as long as playing with it is the most fun available.  If there is another gift waiting to be opened, the anticipation of what it might be is greater than the pleasure from the gift just opened.  When all the gifts are opened, those that please him the most are the ones to which he dedicates his time and imagination.  These blessings, in his mind, were bestowed upon him from someone who loves him for the purpose of his own pleasure.  However, as we age we tend to receive different kinds of gifts because they mean something entirely different.  Let me give you an example.

There is a type of sock worn by younger adults that are fashion statements. It takes argyle to a whole new level.  Like out of the universe level.  Argyle socks are socks with diamond patterns.  Large diamond patterns.  They are complimentary.  Most socks are solid colors.  The newest style is bold and unique patterns.  Polka dots.  Large stripes.  Repeating silhouettes.  That type of thing.  My father-in-law calls them clown socks.  That just about it.  These socks are socks that Ringling Brothers clowns wore under the big top.  You know the kind.  Anyway, my oldest grandson, who was four at the time, picked out these clown socks for me for Christmas.  One pair is grey with black stripes and blue dog silhouettes.  Another pair are black with large white polka dots.  Still, a third pair is that same grey with different color stripes.  When I wear a suit with those colors in them, I wear those socks.  Normally, you would not catch me ever wearing this type of sock.  They are highly inappropriate for someone approaching their sixties.  One might think me a bit eccentric and ready for the retirement home.  But I wear them.  Why?  Because we live stream and I know his parents watch from time to time.  Every time I wear those socks I do so to display my grandson Titus’ love for his pawpa.  It is to brag on him.  Not because it pleases me.  If I were to buy those socks on my own, I would be embarrassed.  But I am not.  Why?  Because I get to tell the world how much my grandson loves me.

When we receive blessings from God, how we view those blessings and for what purpose we use them tells a lot.  God has given the gift of life.  Do we use that life to glorify Him?  That is why He gave it.  We have received the blessing of salvation.  Do we use it to consume the results of salvation for our own pleasure?  Do we consume the blessing of peace of mind?  We receive the fellowship of the saints as a blessing from God.  Do we use our assembly as a means to glorify God and be a blessing to others?  Or, do we see the assembling of ourselves and nothing more than something that pleases us?  God has bestowed these blessings first and foremost for His glory.  He gives gifts that they might bless others.  Our pleasure derived from them may be a result, but it is not the primary purpose.  They are all for His glory.

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