Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Double Portion Takes Double Trouble

And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2Ki 2:11 AV)


Prior to this verse, Elijah had asked what it was which Elisha would like as a parting bestowment before the LORD took Elijah home.  Elisha’s response was a double portion of the spirit that anointed Elijah.  Elijah’s response has always bothered me.  Elijah said, “…Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.” (2Ki 2:10 AV)  Why would Elijah state to seek double the power of God on his life a hard thing?  Why would it be he placed the condition of watching the chariot ascend as a condition on that double spirit?  Why would not Elijah simply give him his mantle and bestow the blessing?  What Elisha was asking was the ability to go further than his predecessor ever did.  To understand the difficulty of what Elisha asked and why it was the chariot parted them both asunder is to learn a secret of being used by God.

Elijah had been used by God to confront the worst of the worst.  Ahab, king of Israel was married to a Phonecian woman, Jezebel.  These two were responsible for setting in motion the wickedness which would eventually be the downfall of Israel.  They set up an entire priesthood of men dedicated to the worship of Baal, the god of the Phoenicians.  Further, they killed all the prophets of Jehovah God save those hid in a cave by their servant Obediah.  At one point, Elijah gathered all the prophets and priests of Baal for a test.  Both they and Elijah were to call down fire from heaven in the name of their respective gods and the true God would be the one who consumed the offering upon the altar.  After God harkened to the voice of Elijah, the prophet had all the priests and prophets of Baal killed.  This set Jezebel over the edge and she threatened to hunt down Elijah.  Elijah fled into the wilderness and expressed to God that he had no more to give.  He had burned out.  In short, Elijah lacked the constitution for the dramatic.  Elijah simply did not have the personality or gift to endure extreme circumstances. 

Now, we come to the request of Elisha.  Elisha, in essence, is asking Elijah for the constitution which Elisha did not have.  This did not offend Elijah.  It shouldn’t.  We are what God makes us and as long as we invest the talents He has given, there is no shame one doesn’t have as much as another.  Elijah knew Elisha would have to endure a dramatic experience without losing focus.  That is the whole point of the dramatic way in which Elijah was taken up.  A charging chariot ascending out of the sky would have gotten my attention.  Enough that it would have diverted my attention to the carrying away of Elijah.  As that chariot charged and came ever so close, I might have dived away protection my face and core.  Watching that chariot ascend would not have been high on my priorities.  However, as Elisha fell to the ground and didn’t watch where his hands were landing.  As he dove for cover, his eyes remained fixed on that chariot.  In other words, for God to use the prophet to the degree he wished, nothing can divert his focus on the task at hand.  Not his own safety, the wonder of the miracle, or the consequences thereof.  Nothing was allowed to get in the way of seeing God work all the way through.  This is the difference between someone with five talents and someone with ten.  He never is overcome with the peripherals.  He has complete control of his faculties.  The most important of all is watching, and being a part of, God’s hand at work.

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