Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Fulness of Life Is in the Center of God's Will

Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the middle of a sling.” (1Sa 25:29 AV)


These words are uttered by Abigail to David as David sought the life of her husband Nabal.  For the better part of a sheep shearing, the men of David offered protection about the entire perimeter of the shearing floor to keep predators and robbers away.  Sheep, in their sheering, are extremely vulnerable.  It was not uncommon to lose some sheep in the process.  The custom of the times and place were such that if someone offered a service, whether requested or not, he was compensated.  There was also the expectation of hospitality.  For two reasons, Nabal should have offered to David and his men some compensation in the form of nourishment.  However, the foolish of Nabal refused any kindness whatsoever, but rather, rebuked David for something of which he was not guilty.  The words above are spoken by Nabal’s wife and according to commentators, can have several meanings.

The first meaning is an obvious one.  The LORD will protect David and deal with Nabal and Saul.  For the LORD to keep David in the bundle of life is understood that God will keep David alive.  The second understanding is the meaning of a bundle.  Precious items meant for the expenses of life are referred to as held in a bundle of life.  Money, jewelry, or precious metals were kept in the bundle to spend them for the necessities of life.  In this understanding, Abigail might be implying that David is precious in God’s sight and protected for the plan and purposes of God.  The third, which is what we want to consider this morning, is the bundle of life could mean a quality of life David enjoys that Nabal and Saul do not.  This quality of life is not based on circumstances, but rather, a standing before God.

When I was younger, going to nursing homes was not a pleasant experience for me.  The environment coupled with my lack of experience or understanding while ministering to the elderly is what concerned me.  However, as I matured, there was a blessing attached to ministering to those in the nursing home that was extra special.  Several years ago, our bluegrass picking group went to a nursing home and played for about two hours.  We did so on several occasions.  We were not that good.  But they didn’t know that nor care.  The LORD blessed us with twenty or more residents at any one time.  Although circumstances may vary slightly, by and large, they are all in the same boat.  What is so fulfilling about nursing home ministry is it causes those who are ministered to realize just how blessed they are.  In fact, I dare say the saved who are in that age bracket seem to be more alive with joy than their much younger counterparts.  Even though they deal with the trials of getting older.  They seem to be in the bindle of life.  Playing checkers, sitting and talking, or having someone play Amazing Grace is a simple joy that cannot be equaled.

The point is, David’s life at this point was not something anyone would prefer.  David had lost his wife, left his family in a foreign country, and fled for his life from his own father-in-law.  He is now being insulted by someone who took advantage of him and who seems beyond correction.  Saul is free.  Nabal is free.  Yet David flees for his life.  Abigail, who is perhaps David’s best wife of them all, encourages David and tells him despite the circumstances of life, as long as he is in the center of God’s will, he is in the bundle of life.  Regardless of circumstances, there is no better place to be.

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