Monday, November 2, 2020

Worship That Fills the House

Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.” (Joh 12:3 AV)


What a picture of what true worship can do to a household.  Mary, the sister of Lazarus, anointed and dried the feet of Jesus, preparing him for the coming crucifixion and burial He would suffer for us all.  A pence, or penny, was considered a day’s wage.  Judas claims the spikenard used by Mary was worth three hundred pence.  Or, what someone would commonly make in an entire year.  Very little is known of spikenard as it is mentioned in the scriptures only a few times.  What is known is the scent is very powerful.  It is often said of this perfume there is no equal in its potency.  When Mary anointed the feet of Jesus, the perfume filled the house.  There wasn’t a place in the house in which it could not be detected.  What a picture of how much true holy worship can affect all those in one’s own household.

Last week, there was an odor coming from the kitchen area.  At first, I thought it was our garbage.  So, I took the bag out and out to the dumpster it went.  That didn’t solve the odor problem.  It seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.  There was a load of laundry going and the odor smelled a bit like the detergent we were using.  However, it wasn’t quite like that soap odor.  I kept sniffing.  I investigated other possibilities and it grew stronger and stronger.  Then I had a frightful thought.  Could it be natural gas?  We just had our furnace serviced and readied for the winter.  Could the furnace have finally given up the ghost?  But, no, it didn’t smell quite like natural gas.  There was something wrong about that smell.  It smelled much like the laundry, but not enough to be the washing machine.  I had to find out.  So, I went to the basement and what did I see?  Sewage was backing up into the basement from the laundry machine going upstairs.  PEW!  After the wash was done, the sewage slowly went back down the drain.  But there was sludge left on the floor.  The floor is a mix of poured cement and loose dust.  That smell wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.  There was nothing I could do.  It was 10:30 at night.  Off to bed, we went.  Our bedroom is on the second floor.  We were twenty-five feet or so above the spill with two doors between it and us.  But still, the odor came.  It filled the house.

But there was a solution.  My wife is one of these housewives that loves to burn those wax perfume burners.  Not the candles, but those ceramic wax decanters that warm the wax with a bulb underneath.  We switched that on and it was amazing.  As potent as the sewage was, the was wax vastly more potent.  The more the scent of the wax-filled the house, the less we smelled sewage.  Rather than smelling something like the inside of a port-o-potty, our house began to smell like Sunday Morning breakfast.  The sweet smell of a perfumed wax outbattled the putrid smell of human waste.  The pleasant smell won out.

When we live under a roof with others, how we worship the LORD can often overcome ambiances of fear, strife, anger, resentment, lust, or a whole host of negative influences in the home.  It is just my wife and I now.  No kids.  We have a dog.  But no other creature to which we can interact.  My wife is an incessant hummer.  She hums all the time without realizing she is doing it.  The tunes she hums are sometimes recognizable.  Sometimes not.  When she hums spiritual songs, it does something to the atmosphere of our home.  She doesn’t even realize she is doing it.  But what she does is change the disposition of those around her.  She is unaware.  But it happens.  People become more pleasant.  People become more in tune with one another.  She worships the LORD as part of her nature and it affects the entire home.  This is the picture the LORD wises us to see.  If our homes are filled with strife, anger, resentment, etc. maybe what we need is a spirit of worship where ever we go and it will rub off an all who come in contact with it.

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