Saturday, November 7, 2020

Obscurity Orders Observation

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” (Mt 25:13 AV)

I know this has been the main idea for a few days and we wonder when the Spirit might go in a different direction.  Yet, He will not let us forget that Jesus is coming soon!  The motive for watching above is different here.  When last we visited this theme, we were to watch, pray, and take heed.  We also learned that God controls the events of mankind and nothing can hinder His purposes.  Even the coming of the LORD.  No matter what happens in our nation or world, the Devil and his partners cannot hinder the coming of Christ.  Jesus created all that we see and has the absolute right to it.  Including all human souls.  He will reclaim what is rightfully His and will rule it in peace and authority.  Until that time, we are to watch.  The motive for watching is the uncertainty of the timing of His return.  Sure, we can see signs that may indicate His return is close.  Israel has returned to Palestine and the world, as a whole, and knowingly rejected Christ.  There isn’t much more needed for the LORD to return.  We just don’t know when.  And that is why we must watch.

To watch here means more than merely keeping an eye out for.  It has the idea of having His return so forefront in the mind as to alter our behavior and increase our joy.  There were a couple of times when my wife and I were apart.  On my end, it usually involved a hunting trip.  For her, it was usually a trip to see relatives.  It is interesting how one’s life changes during the time our spouse is away, and the day in which they are scheduled to return.  On one such trip, my wife went back to Ohio for a special anniversary birthday for one of her aged relatives.  It might have been her great-grandmother.  I was left behind.  I couldn’t afford to take off work.  She was in her beloved land of nativity for about a week.  Leave a man home alone without his wife for a week, and the health department might have to get involved.  However, as the day approached for her return, an amazing thing happened.  Misery ruled for the six days she was gone.  But on that seventh, when I knew she was headed home, my entire disposition changed.  Not only that, but the cleaning fairy showed up.  The house was spotless and the dishes put away!  I didn’t want her to come into a house that needed attention.  I prepared for her arrival as best I could so she would be pleased with all that I had done for her.

The thing is, I knew when my wife was coming back.  We do not know when Jesus is coming back.  We need to live in the reality it could be anytime.  It could be today.  It could be tonight.  We know it is going to happen.  If it doesn’t happen tonight, we are not disappointed.  For there is tomorrow night.  The delay of His appearing should not be a discouragement.  Quite the opposite.  As His delay tarries on, what it accomplishes is to build up more anticipation.  Not less.  Like knowing my wife’s return to the day, but not necessarily to the hour.  My sweet wife has the habit of finding little stops along the way which delays her coming.  An antique shop; a street-side baker; a yard sale or two; and a rest area all mean the normal time for her arrival is delayed.  All that does is make me more anxious.  More excited.  The closer she gets, even if it is taking longer than I think it should, makes the arrival all that much more special.  I think we as God’s people are too discouraged by that which is going on around us.  We should not be surprised our nation is falling headlong into socialism.  Socialism is the government of humanism.  Humanism is the belief that man is the ultimate god and government is the means to control the masses.  All this means is that we are all the closer to Jesus’ return and that hope can no man steal!  Watch, for the coming of Jesus just may be sooner than you think!

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