Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Dying Need No God

I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” (Mt 22:32 AV)


This statement is a treatise on the resurrection.  The Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, posed a hypothetical situation and challenged Jesus to defend the doctrine of the resurrection.  They questioned if a man died and his wife married his brother, and his cycle repeated down to the seventh brother with no offspring left behind, then whose wife would she be in the resurrection?  The implication is the resurrection would pose all sorts of confusing situations.  Their error was not in the resurrection.  Rather, their error was in the nature of that resurrection.  That nature being one of spiritual reality and glorification and not so physically.  The marriage relationships we enjoy in the temporal world have no force in the spiritual world.  Then, Christ asks revealed just how contradictory their own belief system appears to be.  The Sadducees refer to the LORD as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  How can that be?  If there is no resurrection of the dead, then God cannot be the God of someone who has died.  He can only be the God of someone who is living.  By using that phrase, the Sadducees are admitting what they refuse to profess and the truth.  That is the resurrection of the dead unto eternal life.  But we want to consider this passage in a slightly different way.

There is another way of looking at the understanding of ‘the living’.  Not merely resurrected.  But spiritually alive.  Having life.  Vibrant.  We can look at this as it applies to the believer.  Namely, if God is our God, then we should be alive!  We should exhibit signs of life.  My son, Joshua, was a pitcher from the time he played ball in little league to his freshman year of college.  All through his early years and into High School, the pitcher is often seen as the de facto team leader.  The starting pitcher was the cheerleader of the team.  He was the one who bore the outcome on his shoulders more so than any other single player.  He played for an inner-city High School team that didn’t show nearly as much enthusiasm or effort when it came to practice or games.  Contrast that against his years playing for a team located on a Navy base and there is quite a difference being the team leader for a team that didn’t really care and a team that was pumped up for every game.  There was one game that went sixteen innings.  We ran out of pitchers.  As an assistant coach at the time, my job was to keep these kids focused and enthusiastic until an outcome was determined.  I learned it is much easier to coach a team that can be motivated.  Flip the page.  When coaching the High School team, enthusiasm was not even in the script.  Players were sitting in the outfield picking dandelions.  It was pathetic.  In one such game, the coach up and walked out.  He looked at me with a look that said, “you need to walk out, too.”  If the team would not respond to any kind of motivation, why bother.  If they have no life, then they are not going anywhere.

The church of Laodicea was accused of being lukewarm.  They were neither hot nor cold.  It made God sick.  God is the God of those who have life.  He is the God of those who show life.  God cannot lead where people are not willing to go.  I sense a deep feeling of apathy settling in the people of God.  A general spirit of ambivalence towards just about anything.  The world is not as we wish it would be.  Our nation is falling into a hole of secularism, socialism, and immorality which will be impossible to escape.  Our churches are not as alive as they once were.  There seems to be little life.  What life there is, is manufactured by worldly music and manipulative stage presentations.  God is not the God of the living.  He is quickly becoming the God of the dying.  The fault is not His.  The fault lies with the people of God.  We have refused to live.  We are content in waiting out the clock.  This is not the kind of people whom God wishes to be a part of.  It is time for us to live again!

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