Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Most Precious of Inheritances

Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” (Ga 4:7 AV)


Paul’s statement above is an incredible one!  God is a person.  How can one be an heir of a person?  If one is an heir, is he not an heir of things?  An heir is someone who has received their lot of what is available and then possesses it.  Thayer’s states, “in Messianic usage, one who receives his allotted possession by right of sonship.”  But here is where it gets mind-blowing.  God is infinite.  He cannot be broken up into portions.  In the sense that, if I have one portion, that leaves a little less for someone else.  This is impossible.  When Paul states we are heirs of God, he also understands the portion of God allotted to us is all that we can handle.  Not a sufficiency.  Rather and exorbitance.  Having said that, there is another tack which the Spirit wishes for us this morning.  That is, to be an heir of God is really all we should need or want.  To stop and think Jesus Christ, by His offering on Calvary, gave us the ability to inherit a relationship with the Creator of the universe more than we could ever comprehend is something words cannot express.  To think we can experience God to the fullest of our ability or limits is something we often take for granted.  I am an heir of God.  Not just heaven, a mansion, or a new body.  But God Himself.

My father, being a Scout Master, met I had to share him with others.  Times of campouts when he would train his scouts in knot tying or first aid meant there were times my father had more time for my friends than he did for me.  One of those skills I remember was how to sharpen and an ax.  Don’t ask me why I remember this specific skill more than others.  I don’t know why.  Maybe it was that skill which he felt a personal responsibility to pass along to his scouts.  He would show us how to pin the ax head in an upright position with some stakes.  He would show us how to use the file and then the stone.  He would go over the use of honing oil.  We would learn how to sharpen an ax, a hatchet, and a machete.  We would have to test them with a piece of paper.  He would be on us to get that right.  His point was obvious.  More accidents happen with dull tools than sharp ones.  He would make his way down the line and one of the first things he would have us do is to sharpen our hatchets.  Get those tents up, put our things inside, then sharpen away.  Up and down that line he would go.  Bending over to have a conversation with each scout as he learned.  All this meant he had less time for each individual.  The time we did have with him was precious.  A grown man taking interest in a young boy is a treasure.  His ability to give was limited.  He was only human, but God is not so limited.

Over the years, I have known individuals who have left an inheritance.  For the most part, those inheritances are gone faster than they were obtained.  Rarely would an individual invest that inheritance to leave something larger to his or her children.  Things give temporary pleasure and comfort.  We are not talking about inheriting things.  We most certainly will.  Even more than things, we have already inherited God Himself.  We have done so by the gracious gift of sonship.  This sonship has been purchased by Jesus Christ.  When we stop and consider that because of what Jesus has done for us, we have the privilege of walking with God, it should send shivers down our spine.  To think our sins are forgiven and we can have a personal relationship with the God whom we once despised is something more blessed than any other gift ever able to be given.  WOW!  We are an heir of God!  What a reminder that no matter what may happen, nothing can separate us from the love of God we have by the sacrifice of our Savior and LORD, Jesus Christ!

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