Friday, May 24, 2019

What It Takes To Know the Greatness of God

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits’ end. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.” (Ps 107:23-28 AV)

There are times when the only way we can see God’s greatness is if we are forced to experience it.  No doubt, those spoken of in the above passage see God’s hand in ways we will never see it.  There are saints whom we have the pleasure of fellowship that have a level of faith which we cannot understand.  It didn’t get that way by mere study.  They didn’t simply read the word of God and accept it as it was written.  They accepted the promises and truths of the word of God, then they became inwardly fruitful by way of life’s experience.  When they see the word of God promise that God will supply all their need, it becomes practical truth when they are sitting at the table with nothing to eat and God miraculously provides their needs.  They can read Solomon’s words that he has never seen the righteous begging bread and believe it with their whole heart.  But it doesn’t become a reality until they fill the oil tank with five gallons of fuel and have it last a week.  Faith is not something that is mere academics.  It is practical.  It comes by way of hard times.  It comes by way of God showing Himself in great ways.

If you have ever seen the program, Deadliest Catch, you know exactly what the passage above speaks of.  These men go out on crab boats in the middle of harsh fall and early winter weather to fish for crab.  Off the Alaskan coast, they deal with seas that turns the stomach just watching it.  Sixteen-hour days in waves that crash over the side of the ship is beyond insane.  Couple that with below freezing temperatures, ice forming on the hull, and any number of accidents by equipment, and one would decide not to eat fresh caught crab just to save these men from insanity.  These men see the worst that weather can dish out.  They live through what most could not.  They endure because they have a reasoned faith that in the end, they will arrive safe at harbor with the blessings of their labor.  Their faith is placed in their Captain.  He has gotten them home safe many times and has lined their pockets with bounty.  No doubt, the first few times out, they feared for their lives.  But after a while, their faith in their captain grew.  But it can only grow if they go through the storm with the captain.

So, too, is it with our faith.  It is one thing to read that God will take care of us.  Quite another to see that truth tested.  Testing, and living through the truth, is the only way this faith can grow.  There is no other way.  Jesus repeatedly allowed His disciples to be placed in difficult situations that He might make Himself known.  The blind man born blind is a great example.  He was in that case that God might show Himself strong.  The disciples were in storms, their lives were threatened, and they were scrambling for food.  Yet, all through it, God was there and God showed Himself great in the midst of dire needs.  Maybe what we are going through is a way for the LORD to grow our faith rather than tear us down.  Perhaps, what He really wants to do is make us strong by making us weak.  I think the apostle Paul said something to that effect.

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